For the imperfect Fashion lover.

Jeans and Sequins • Daytime Sparkle

Jeans and Sequins • Daytime Sparkle • Fake Fabulous

Today I'm in the mood for a little daytime sparkle.
I don't want to be lit up like a Christmas tree.

I want a look that feels casual enough for everyday wear.
Special enough to be..... 
Erm, special? 

Honest Beauty Review • ARK Advanced Action Plumping Lip Cream

Honest Beauty Review • ARK Advanced Action Plumping Lip Cream

I'm really liking the British beauty brand, ARK Skincare.
I have a few of their products now and they perform well on my 46 year old fizzogg!
See more about my thoughts on some other products HERE.

{Oh, by the way, Fizzogg = Face}

My skin can be reactive and I'm always happy to find something that doesn't make my face turn into a purple radiator.
Clinique, Clarins and Neal's yard are big offenders for me.
My skin says...


Simple Summer Style • Grey Tank & Green Paper Bag Joggers

Grey tank, green joggers, black mules • Fake Fabulous

90s style tank tops are back and, despite wearing them the first time around, I'm straight back on the bare shoulder trend with gusto!
I just love the shape and the look.

The cold shoulder styles from a couple of years ago left me a little can I put it? ... COLD? 

{Especially those bizarre incarnations of random items with holes cut in the tops of the arms, like jumpers? Erm... what?}

Cut away shoulders, on the other hand, feel much cooler... more chic, and they make me very happy!

I love the look of these little tops, especially with baggy jeans, full skirts or denim shorts.
The high-cut style appeals to me.

I know this look is not for everyone.
Big boobs become scary in high necked tops and many people don't like the tops of their arms.
I never used to like mine.

However, I'm now happy to show my arms as I work pretty hard to keep them from dangling down like curtains TOO much. 😂

{Yes, I know that my 46 year old arms don't look as good as a 26 year old's BUT I'm happy enough, and that's all that matters!}

Grey tank, green joggers, black mules • Fake Fabulous

Today, I'm wearing a simple grey vest top with a pair of green joggers and black mules.
For me, it's a classic (but modern) casual look.
Not to mention EASY peasy to put together.

So easy that it feels like PJs.
I'm all about COMFORT these days.

If you're wondering about the bra situation here, I simply pulled the straps together at the top back with one of those bra-clips. 
I don't usually wear underwired bras so my underwear is soft enough to move easily.
I'm not sure if a more structured bra would work as well?
Please let me know if you've tried it.
I do know that many bra straps can cross over at the back to change the look (and for more support).
You could also use a safety pin or even tie a ribbon around the straps to achieve the same shape.

How do you feel about these high-cut vest tops (and their bodysuit sisters)?
I'd love to know!

Grey tank, green joggers, black mules • Fake Fabulous

VEST TOP: Old, not sure where from!
TROUSERS: Zara (old)
LEATHER SHOES and BAG: Topshop (eBay and old!)
NECKLACE: A gift from a friend.


White Denim Shorts • Over 40 Casual Summer Style

White denim Shorts • Over 40 • Fake Fabulous

Today I'm wearing pair of white cut-off denim shorts.
Some may say I'm too old.
Not only shorts but definitely DIY cut-offs... AND especially white ones!
Some may tell me to cover up my decrepit knees.
I say... 
"No thanks!... I'm not dead yet, thank you very much."

I'm 46 and my legs are coming out without apology.
End of.

White denim Shorts • Over 40 • Fake Fabulous


It's easy as pie to make a look as individual as you are.

{Even if we both wore EXACTLY the same items we would look completely different, wouldn't we?}


Shoe swaps:
Not everyone likes (or suits) an espadrille.
Why not try swapping them out for...
  • Open Sandals (heeled or flat, whichever you prefer)
  • Mules or clogs
  • Good old trainers!
Bottom Half swaps can make outfits more wearable:

White Denim Cut offs are not for everyone.
More wearable swaps might include...
  • White Jeans
  • White tailored shorts
  • White Bermuda shorts (on trend)
  • White wide trousers
  • White capris
  • Even a long white skirt would work beautifully!
Top half swaps are easy too:
  • Any layered waistcoat over any vest top or camisole would work (pick a neckline that suits your body)
  • If you don't like the top of your arms adding a sleeved (long or short) shirt over your vest top would look lovely.
Maybe it's too warm for a jacket where you are?
(Lucky you!)
  • Ditch the jacket and add a khaki linen shirt or even a lightweight cotton/linen cardigan.
Every look can be tweaked to suit YOUR body and YOUR personal style.

DENIM SHORTS: Very Old and turning a bit yellow around the edges now!
SHOES: Lunar
BAG: Handmade by Me!
HAIRBAND: Made from a scarf

White denim Shorts • Over 40 • Fake Fabulous

Summer Shorts Outfit, over 40

Patterned shorts and Army jacket, over 40.

Another day... another pair of shorts.
It's summer after all, isn't it?

Sometimes It's think summer has abandoned us.
If the truth be told, I'm wearing a thermal base layer under here (you can see the sleeves).
It's chilly!
However, I'm also determined to tough it out in the leg department.

{It's July for goodness sake!}

I'm refusing to put the heating on (despite the chill) AND also flatly refusing to put my legs away.

Can I wear shorts over 40? • Beige, Black and Brown Summer Outfit

Shorts over 40 • Beige Black Brown • Fake Fabulous

Can you wear shorts over 40?
I'll let you decide that one!

I've been having a look online to see what the fashion world is saying about shorts "at a certain age".

{Ugh...That phrase makes me shudder!}

There are many short-wearing recommendations out there.
Loads on Pinterest.
Plenty of blogposts.
Even great YouTube videos.

Some I admire.
Some not so much.

I've notice one thing that is a little annoying.
Many of the "Tips and Tricks" for over-40 styling seem completely age-irrelevant.

Surely it's how you feel about your legs... or more importantly the back of your thighs!... that matters most?
This is just as important at 16 as it is at 60.

I want to share a secret with you...

AGELESS Style? You decide! • Cream Jeans, Blue Shirt, Black Biker

AGELESS Style? You decide!  • Cream Jeans, Blue Shirt, Black Biker

I wore this outfit to work.
Minimal(ish) style.

These photos were taken after I'd been in these clothes for 10 hours... so, it's a genuine "lived in" look 😂.
I'm just astonished that I made it to the end of the day without slittering my coffee or my lunch down myself!

Making Black Leggings into an outfit!

Black Leggings Outfit • Lockdown Style • Fake Fabulous

Classic Black leggings.
Not usually associated with a stylish outfit are they?

In fact, black leggings are normally best worn by the under 12s ... or at the gym.

However, today I'm wearing black leggings as part of a 'proper' outfit.
An outfit I could pop out in or even go to work.

I'm still going to my work as normal... are you?

Low Buy Update • I've Been AVOIDING YOU

Low BUY • Fake fabulousAnother week into my Low-buy and much as I'd like to be the font of knowledge and wisdom I have to admit that it's not getting any easier!
It was a rocky start last week... Read about it HERE.
This low-buy business is TOUGH.

I'm sharing my update LATE because....
The truth is....

I've been avoiding you!

I've said it.

It's confession time....

Long and Loose Cream Denim Dress • Simple Summer Outfit

Cream Denim Maxi Dress | Fake Fabulous

Today feels like a real Summer's day.
Scotland hits the 20s and it's great.

For anyone living with relentless heat I apologise for my excitement.
For those who know what it feels like to long for a 'real' summer ... you know where I'm coming from today, don't you?


R.A.T.E style • Rough around the Edges IS CHIC after all!

Navy Blazer, cropped jeans & a breton tee

I'm stealing the term "RATE Style" from Lise...
  • Rough.
  • Around.
  • The.
  • Edges!
How Brilliant!
That sums up how I feel on most days.

Some might call the 'RATE' look scruffy and messy.
However, I like to think of it as a very Parisien-chic way to dress.

('Effortless looking outfits with messy hair, minimal makeup and a thrown-together-in-5-minutes-becasue-I-had-a-wild-night-last-night vibe.)

I'm putting a seriously positive spin on this casual style BUT I'd much rather look RATE than over-primped.
Over-dressing is overrated in my opinion!
(see what I did there?😛)

For me, a hard-as-nails helmet blow-dry (or too-perfect tonged curls) and an overly styled outfit is very stuffy, frumpy and ultimately ageing.

Navy Blazer, cropped jeans & a breton tee

Today I'm wearing another casual and comfortable look.
I realise that trainers and socks with cropped jeans is not the most flattering.
I know that a heel (or a more 'feminine' grown-up shoe) would make this outfit much more chic and elegant... BUT, I have to be comfortable these days!

I can't stand sore feet or feeling any discomfort.
I'm just not doing it!

(I also realise that I could have popped on a heel for the sake of these photos, and to make this outfit look prettier for you, but why lie?... Maybe I'll try a heel next week??.... Hmmmm....)

This is what I wore at work... warts (read:old gutties) and all!

{BTW Gutties are trainers/sneakers}

I'm wearing a classic Breton tee, some wide cropped jeans and a blazer.
Easy and breezy dressing!

Thank you again to Lise for her great term that made me realise that not being CHIC is CHIC in itself!
Who knew?

Navy Blazer, cropped jeans & a breton tee

JEANS: Topshop (a few seasons old)
LEATHER BAG: ASOS Gent's department (past seasons)
TRAINERS: Adidas (very very old... they were my daughter's)
T-SHIRT: J-crew (old)
WOOL BLAZER: Topman ( a hand-me-down)

Navy Blazer, cropped jeans & a breton tee

Low Buy UPDATE • The BIG Problem With eBay

Low BUY Fail • The problem with eBay • Fake fabulous
It's been a rocky start!
This low-buy business is TOUGH.

{The wheels were wobbly this week}

As of last week I was determined to kick-start the positive behaviour of not buying things I don't need.

I've done it in the past but lockdown had made me lazy.

This week was going to be a fresh start.
Less consumption and more saving...
Saving money, time, space AND the environment.

However, this week I ran in to a problem.

A BIG problem called eBay.

Low BUY Fail • The problem with eBay • Fake fabulous

Why I'll NEVER be CHIC • Cream Jeans, White T-Shirt & Khaki Jacket

Cream Jeans, White Tee and a Khaki Coat | Fake Fabulous

I'm currently in the middle of a styling course (hosted online by a London University) and during the work I was doing for my weekly assessment I realised something quite interesting about myself.
Something I'd never really considered before.

I realised that I'll never be CHIC.

It wouldn't matter what I wore.
Expensive clothes, or the cheapest of cheap rubbish.
A smart outfit, a formal look or a casual one.
It doesn't matter a jot!

I always give off the same VIBE and it can't be hidden or "dressed Up".
Even If I spent all day trying to get ready and wore the highest end clothing I'd still look like me.

In fact, I don't think anyone can look like anyone else, no matter how hard they try.

{Unless, of course, you're playing dress-up for a photograph... like my Halloween Harlequin or Creepy Corpse Bride}

We are all unique with our own personal and powerful style.
How we look in clothes depends on the way that we carry ourselves more than the clothes we wear.

I'll never look like Emmanuelle Alt... even if I wore EXACTLY the same pieces.
(I wish)

I'm okay with it too.
I don't mind at all.

Much as I would like to look...
  • CHIC
  • Polished
  • Elegant
I never will.

No matter what I wear I always give off an air of "undone".
My style is definitely CASUAL even when I'm trying my hardest to smarten up!

I'd like to think that there was an effortless vibe about my style BUT you can be the judge of that!

{Be sure to leave me a comment if you agree or disagree!}

If you don't believe me when I say I'm always on the messy side, check out some "smart" looks...
Even in a gown I give off that casual, just fell out of bed, feeling!
It's funny really... I'm just NOT CHIC!

Today, I'm being true to my true happy-to-not-be-chic self and wearing a distinctly UN-CHIC outfit.

This is an easy to wear, casual over-sized look.
Comfortable and wearable.

Cream Jeans, White Tee and a Khaki Coat | Fake Fabulous

I feel like there is no point in worrying about how you look or trying to be something you're not.

You have to find out who you are (and what your personal style is) and run with it.

I'm embracing my casual, slightly scruffy... a bit messy (??effortless) self and you should too!

What is your core style?
The real you?

Student throwback?

I'd love to know!
If you're not sure, drop me an email and a couple of photos and I'll help you find out.

Cream Jeans, White Tee and a Khaki Coat | Fake Fabulous

An outfit like the one I'm wearing here makes me feel comfortable, confident and like I'm being true to the real me.

We've all been in that situation where we might be wearing an item (or an entire outfit) that isn't REALLY us.
Maybe we were trying a new look?
Or attempting to impress a date, land a job or look "on trend"?

Even though my style IS CHANGING quite significantly at the moment, and the pieces I want to wear are different from what they were a year ago, I still can't stop my over-all style vibe shining through everything I put on my body.

We are what we are and if we're trussed up in something that isn't US we stick out like a SORE THUMB.

I remember wearing a skirt suit and heels for an interview when I was in my 20s and my goodness I felt awful.
Awkward and a bit silly (I didn't get the job BTW).
However, when I wore some wide trousers, brogues and a blouse for the next interview and I was hired!
My credentials hadn't changed, just my attitude and confidence.
Being yourself is always the best idea.

We make our clothes look unique and all of us are stylish is our own way!

Find out how to find YOUR SYLE here

JEANS: Borrowed
T-SHIRT: Weekday
JACKET: Zara (very old and bought secondhand)
BAG: Radley (old... Charity shopped)
SCARF: old (probably charity shopped, knowing me!)

Cream Jeans, White Tee and a Khaki Coat | Fake Fabulous



12 Ways to Escape your Shopping Habit | Fake Fabulous

Are you shopping a little too much?

Some people may laugh and joke about being a "shopaholic" or say they use shopping as "retail therapy".
Some may think it's a trivial, harmless and just a fun pastime.
Nothing to worry about.
What's the big deal?

However, too much shopping can easily become a major problem.
Over-spending can not only cause financial problems but it can effect other aspects of our lives too.
Putting a strain on relationships and even effecting our mental health!
Over-shopping is no joke.

Have you ever thought how lovely it would be to feel free from the urge to chase the next big thing?
Free from the need to buy the latest trends?
To completely escape the lure of the latest miracle product?

This post might just help you achieve that goal...

Classic Spring Outfit • Blazer, Shirt, Loafers & Jeans

Checked Blazer, white shirt, jeans and loafers | Classic outfit | Fake Fabulous

I seem to be all about the basics these days.
Minimal dressing (or Minimal-Plus as I like to call it) is my current go-to style.

I'm embracing this new ethos and enjoying how quick and easy it is!

Today I'm wearing a classic combination:

  • White linen Shirt (albeit a bit crushed from work!)
  • Blue jeans (cropped 'mom' fit)
  • Loafers
  • Checked blazer

Easy to wear.
Perfect for (almost) any occasion.

Checked Blazer, white shirt, jeans and loafers | Classic outfit | Fake Fabulous

My 'any occasion' was a day at work.
Not very exciting I'm afraid but it needs to be done.

An outfit like this one is comfortable and practical.

Perfect for travelling to and from work.
When I was there my blazer came off, my hair went up and my labcoat went on.

I agree that these pieces don't create the most 'flattering' silhouette.
A long-line shirt and cropped jeans is certainly not a lengthening look!

However, Im finding myself less and less concerned with "flattering" looks these days and more and more interested in dressing myself happy.

This combination made me happy...
And I, for one, need all the help I can get with that at the moment.

Checked Blazer, white shirt, jeans and loafers | Classic outfit | Fake Fabulous

DENIM JEANS: Topshop (old)
CHECKED BLAZER: Topman (a hand-me-down)
LINEN BLOUSE: Very old (and a bit crumpled after a day at work!)
LEATHER LOAFERS: Secondhand from eBay
LEATHER BAG: Radley (old)


"Minimal-PLUS" style... a new way to dress!

Minimal plus style | Fake Fabulous | Basic Outfit

I have been completely overwhelmed by the lovely comments left on my previous blogpost.
The one where I was wondering what was happening to my style.

See that post HERE

I've realised, after some thought, that this shift is not only a normal part of growing up (and growing older) but also a natural (and subconscious) awareness of global 'trends'.
Not just fashion trends but also those 'trends' that are political, economic and environmental.

Why is My Personal Style Changing?

My persoanl style is changing! Fake Fabulous

I've been suffering from a mental blogging block recently.
Not because I don't have anything to talk about (far from it) BUT because I'm not sure if you want to hear it!

The main reason for my blog-drought is that I've noticed my style is changing, quite significantly, and I'm not sure if it's blog worthy anymore.

Let me try and explain myself...

Putting on a Few extra Pounds and 5 tips for Looking Slimmer.

5 Tips to look Slimmer when you're not! Non-Date night Outfit • Fake Fabulous

Has anyone else added a few pounds to their frame over the past few weeks of lockdown?
I know I have!

I'm fondly calling it my LOCKDOWN LARD and to be honest with you, I don't mind at all.
I'm making the most of each day.
Enjoying my food and the odd vodka, or beer... or both!

{If we can't be a bit squishy and cuddly during lockdown when can we?}

Yesterday however, someone at work commented on how much weight she thought I'd lost despite me having put ON just over half a stone.

This got me thinking 2 important things....

FIRST (and most important)
Why is it okay for someone to think it's okay to comment on your weight?
The amount of weight you have 'lost 'or how skinny you're looking does not need to be highlighted.
These people would never even consider telling someone that they had piled ON so much weight or were looking really chunky, would they?
That would be rude.
Why isn't it considered rude to say how skinny someone looks?

SECOND (and most curious)
How can you put on half a stone and look thinner?
{Puzzled Face}

The answers to these questions are easy...

Question 1

Why do people think it's okay to comment on how THIN someone is looking?
When they would NEVER comment on how fat someone was looking.
Or say...

"Blimey...You've PUT ON so much weight!"

This issue drives me CRAZY.
I'm not going to go into it (again) here, but you can read my thoughts on WEIGHT SHAMING and why it's never okay (fat or skinny) HERE.

Question 2

Looking thinner with half a stone extra?
Hmmmm?...Interesting, eh?
When I got home I had a good look at what I was wearing and came to the conclusion that it was my outfit (and hair) that were giving me the
"You've lost weight"

Nothing fancy or clever, just 5 simple things that anyone can do.
{More on those in a moment}

Moving on to todays outfit...

5 Tips to look Slimmer when you're not! Non-Date night Outfit • Fake Fabulous

My 7+ pounds of surplus flesh is straining the seams of this jumpsuit.
Luckily, it's a very rigid denim, so I'm held down (so to speak) although there is an angry little gape at the pockets.
My rump is trying it's hardest to escape!

I never put weight on my limbs, face or chest.
Excess inches collect around my middle and on my haunches.
Nature has a sense of humour, that's for sure.

This outfit is a casual date night outfit, with one omission...
The date night!

My husband and I actually had a curry and a few beers at home.
We sat in the garden and imagined a lovely outdoor restaurant.
Unfortunately, I had to change out of this jumpsuit in order to accommodate my food baby and ended up in denim shorts and a cami.
I kept my clogs on though.
{They went surprisingly well with the outfit!}

5 Tips to look Slimmer when you're not! Non-Date night Outfit • Fake Fabulous

CLOGS: Free People (eBayed)
BAG: A gift
NECKLACES: Various vintage/gifts

5 Tips to look Slimmer when you're not! Non-Date night Outfit • Fake Fabulous

Back to the extra pounds yet slimmer issue...
I did 5 things that day (unintentionally) which made me look narrower than I am.

1. My sleeves were pushed up and my jean ankles were cuffed.

Simple tips that work!
Highlight your narrowest parts by showing them off.

2. My outfit was monochromatic(ish).

Light denim jeans, white trainers and a pale blue cashmere jumper.
Monochrome outfits make you look longer and narrower no matter what colour you choose.

3. I wore a V-neck.

V-necks elongate and narrow.
This is why I tend not to wear them very often.

4. My hair was in a sleek updo.

My hair was dirty (and driving my crazy) to I tied it up in a messy but sleeked back bun.
An instant slimmer, especially as my hair adds volume to my frame naturally.

5. I didn't wear anything tight or clingy.

Loose fitting clothes are much more flattering than clingy clothes.
All rolls and lumps are skimmed rather than squeezed.
So much better!
However, avoid overly loose or baggy as this has the opposite effect.
Think skim rather than smother or cling!

So there are no amazing tips or tricks just 5 easy steps anyone can follow.

Although, having said all of this,  I don't think anyone should have to try and look slimmer (or otherwise).
Just wear what you love and if anyone comments smile sweetly and ignore them.

If you want to know more, try reading this old post... and get a laugh at my outfit!

3 Easy Ways to hide those extra pounds.

5 Tips to look Slimmer when you're not! Non-Date night Outfit • Fake Fabulous


Tancream Review • SPF50 plus Self Tan • Honest Beauty

Tancream | Moisturising SPF50 plus self tanner | Honest Review

Welcome to another Honest Beauty Review.

This time it's the turn of a self tanner, that's also an SPF.
Clever right?

I'm genuinely excited to share this product with you.
You may be surprised to know that initially, I didn't like it at all!

{More on that in a moment}

Summer Sandals • Josef Seibel • Classic Spring Outfit

Josef Seibel | Spring Outfit | Fake Fabulous

I think I've found the perfect grown-up summer sandal!
These sandals are ticking all of the boxes I need ticked...

3 ways to wear clothes that don't suit you • Spring Outfit

How to wear things that don't suit you | Fake Fabulous

I was thinking about the number of clothes I have in my wardrobe that don't REALLY suit me.

By that, I mean that if I follow the rules of one (or all) of the following...

  • Colour analysis (seasonal or otherwise)
  • Bodyshapes (triangles, rectangles etc)
  • Kibbe Body types (Dramatic, romantic, Gamine...etc)
  • Style Personalities (Classic, Avant garde... etc)
  • Age appropriateness (.....yawn)

{Or, in fact, any school of styling thought}

Some of my clothes are just not right for me.

The thing is about this "problem" is that I like them and I'll be wearing them regardless of whether I should be or not!

Take this dress as a good example.

  • Wrong colour... cool and pale blue.
  • Wrong shape... mini length, puffy.
  • Wrong style... girly and cute.
  • Probably the wrong age demographic too!... Dare I say, too young??!!

Hmmmmm... there's nothing much going for it is there?
BUT I still love it!

How to wear things that don't suit you | Fake Fabulous

How to wear things that don't suit you:


Simply adding an 'old favourite' item to your outfit will make it feel like it fits a lot better.
Mix in something you know suits you well, whether that's your personality or colouring... whatever.

For this outfit I added my ancient army style jacket .
The colour and style are very me.
It tones down any girliness and covers me up where I want it.

That brings me to the next point...


Cover up some flesh.
Flashing TOO MUCH flesh isn't flattering... no matter what shape you're in.
Cover up either the bottom or the top half of your body.
(Or both, if you prefer!)

Boobs out and legs on display are a bit too much... unless you're beside a pool!
Quite a decent amount of leg is on show here so my top half is safely encased.

{Plus, it's far too cold for bare arms, bare chests and bare legs.}

This may seem an irrelevent "Tip" in relation to clothes that don't suit you.
Maybe it's more of a general rule (so to speak).

But... it does make sense because looking slight 'off'(in a colour or style that isn't really YOU) is harder to pull off stylishly when you're also contending with too much flesh on show.
It's a double whammy.

Having said that the only thing that REALLY MAATERS is point no.3....


Believing in yourself is 80% of looking good.
Bring the attitude.
Decide the item and the outfit works and suits you, regardless of rules, and it will!

How to wear things that don't suit you | Fake Fabulous

JACKET: GAP... many years old (over 18 I think!)
DRESS: Bruuns Bazaar (eBay)
SHOES: Clarks (old)
COLLAR: Ichi (Asos)
BAG: Vintage
BELT: Topshop (old)

How to wear things that don't suit you | Fake Fabulous

Pale Yellow Dress, Copper and Tan • Spring Outfit

Lemon Dungaree Dress and Copper T-shirt | Fake Fabulous

I'm wearing real clothes today (no joggers in sight) and surprisingly, I didn't make any of them myself.

I've been making a lot of crafty clothes recently but none of them are in this look.
I thought it was time to give the handmade look a break for a few days!

Hand-crochet jumper & Culotte Jeans • Spring Outfit

Homemade crochet jumper & culotte jeans | Spring style

Another day, another handmade 'curiosity' to share with you.

This lockdown is good for my creative fingers but not so good for my yarn-buying credit card 😇.

Today it's the turn of a colourful crochet cotton jumper.
(Try saying that fast 10x!!)

DIY Style • Crochet Denim Sun Top and Jeans

Crochet top Khaki jacket and denim jeans | Spring Style | Fake Fabulous

I've been making a few bits of clothing recently and I'm loving the results.
DIY style is not for everyone, but I really like the fact that no one else will have a top like mine.
It's one of a kind!
As we all are.

Playing Dress Up • Quarantine Style

Quarantine Fashion | Dressing up for lockdown | Fake Fabulous

Somedays call for a little dress up!
Today is one of those days.

My hair is BADLY needing cut.
My roots are dire.
I'm going brassy.😳
My skin is parched.
My exercise routine is nonexistent.
I feel a bit of a mess.

In this situation what can be done?

Quarantine Fashion | Dressing up for lockdown | Fake Fabulous

There is only one thing for it.
Ditch the joggers and dress up a little!

This calls for a (slightly OTT) dress and a 'creative' updo.

{DISCLAIMER: This is not a creative updo at all. It's a scabby little bun and a headband.}

This dress is a little over-the-top to lounge around in, BUT why not?
I've no events to attend, for the foreseeable future, so today's 'date' with a bottle of wine and a book deserves some special attention.

Of course, I've not compromised on comfort here either.
Everything in this outfit is comfortable and 'loungable' in.

{I swapped out the boots for flip flops in real life, but they far too sloppy looking for these photos... even by my standards!}

This ended up being a comfortable and surprisingly practical outfit for a spot of garden sitting and book reading.
Perfect for a rare weekend in the Scottish sun.

Quarantine Fashion | Dressing up for lockdown | Fake Fabulous

DRESS: Old Topshop
TOP: Charity shopped a few years ago
NECKLACE: Very old
GLASSES: Very old
EARRINGS: Old (a gift)

Lockdown Fashion • Leggings and a Sack Dress made Chic!

Lockdown Style | White Maxi Dress, Leggings & a Blazer | Fake Fabulous

An uncompromising lockdown look that involves leggings, sliders and a big baggy top.

Leggings and a top.
What could be easier (or lazier) dressing?
Not much that I can think of!

I'm not fighting my inner sloth any longer.
Leggings it is!

For today, my "baggy top" is a billowing cotton sack dress.
Okay, not EXACTLY at top.
But I'm using artistic licence... it's a (very) long top!

I absolutely LOVE this dress and I wanted to show that baggy and comfortable can be (a little bit) stylish after all!

Black Maxi Dress & Cropped Denim • Lockdown Looks

Black maxi tee & cropped grey denim | Lockdown Looks | Fake Fabulous

Today I'm upping the ante slightly when it comes to my daily dressing.
It's lock-down style... pimped up a little for a photo BUT (unlike my other recent outfits) not immediately removed afterwards!

ARK Skincare • Honest Beauty Review

ARK skincare | Honest Beauty Review

Today I'm sharing a brand that reached out to me a while ago in the hope I would share their products with you.
Which I'm happy to do!

{This post was not paid for.
I was sent these products with no obligation to share my findings.}
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