For the imperfect Fashion lover.

Making Black Leggings into an outfit!

Black Leggings Outfit • Lockdown Style • Fake Fabulous

Classic Black leggings.
Not usually associated with a stylish outfit are they?

In fact, black leggings are normally best worn by the under 12s ... or at the gym.

However, today I'm wearing black leggings as part of a 'proper' outfit.
An outfit I could pop out in or even go to work.

I'm still going to my work as normal... are you?
Black Leggings Outfit • Lockdown Style • Fake Fabulous

Since the lockdown I've only been interested in comfortable clothing.
When I say comfortable I mean really COMFORTABLE.

From my top layer right down to my underwear.
Nothing is allowed to be tight, digging in, squeezing or even gently pressing.
Sloppy dressing is where it's at!

Call it LOCKDOWN MADNESS but soft bralets and leggings are becoming acceptable parts of outfits worn in public.

Today the temperature is pretty miserable, and the sky is overcast, so I'm back in my layers.
Needs must!

This is outfit is basically pimped up PJs and a dressing gown!
Leggings a t-shirt (dress) and a gilet.
Add a thermal base layer and I'm done.

The only thing that keeps this looking half decent is the shoes and, if the truth be told, I spent most of the day in black wool socks, NOT these slingbacks.
That's real life isn't it?

{I had to draw the line for photos though.... fluffy socks would be a step to far!}

Black Leggings Outfit • Lockdown Style • Fake Fabulous

BLACK LEGGINGS: old and "borrowed" from my daughter (probably from River Island)
COTTON DRESS: Weekday (customised with a neck chop!)
THERMAL: Ancient M&S from eBay ... at least 10 years old and still looking decent!
LEATHER SHOES: Topshop (secondhand)
CASHMERE GILET: 6 years old
NECKLACES: Various vintage bits (The glass magnifier was my Husband's great-great-grandma's)

Black Leggings Outfit • Lockdown Style • Fake Fabulous
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