For the imperfect Fashion lover.

R.A.T.E style • Rough around the Edges IS CHIC after all!

Navy Blazer, cropped jeans & a breton tee

I'm stealing the term "RATE Style" from Lise...
  • Rough.
  • Around.
  • The.
  • Edges!
How Brilliant!
That sums up how I feel on most days.

Some might call the 'RATE' look scruffy and messy.
However, I like to think of it as a very Parisien-chic way to dress.

('Effortless looking outfits with messy hair, minimal makeup and a thrown-together-in-5-minutes-becasue-I-had-a-wild-night-last-night vibe.)

I'm putting a seriously positive spin on this casual style BUT I'd much rather look RATE than over-primped.
Over-dressing is overrated in my opinion!
(see what I did there?😛)

For me, a hard-as-nails helmet blow-dry (or too-perfect tonged curls) and an overly styled outfit is very stuffy, frumpy and ultimately ageing.

Navy Blazer, cropped jeans & a breton tee

Today I'm wearing another casual and comfortable look.
I realise that trainers and socks with cropped jeans is not the most flattering.
I know that a heel (or a more 'feminine' grown-up shoe) would make this outfit much more chic and elegant... BUT, I have to be comfortable these days!

I can't stand sore feet or feeling any discomfort.
I'm just not doing it!

(I also realise that I could have popped on a heel for the sake of these photos, and to make this outfit look prettier for you, but why lie?... Maybe I'll try a heel next week??.... Hmmmm....)

This is what I wore at work... warts (read:old gutties) and all!

{BTW Gutties are trainers/sneakers}

I'm wearing a classic Breton tee, some wide cropped jeans and a blazer.
Easy and breezy dressing!

Thank you again to Lise for her great term that made me realise that not being CHIC is CHIC in itself!
Who knew?

Navy Blazer, cropped jeans & a breton tee

JEANS: Topshop (a few seasons old)
LEATHER BAG: ASOS Gent's department (past seasons)
TRAINERS: Adidas (very very old... they were my daughter's)
T-SHIRT: J-crew (old)
WOOL BLAZER: Topman ( a hand-me-down)

Navy Blazer, cropped jeans & a breton tee
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