For the imperfect Fashion lover.

Halloween Costume Planning | Fake it Until You Make it LINK UP

Halloween Costume Planning | Fake Fabulous | LINK UP

It's that time of year again!
The leaves are falling.
The nights are drawing in.
I'm getting excited....
Because it's time to start planning this year's Halloween costumes!

YES... I love this time of year.

Last Year we all attended a fabulous party, and I went as an Ice queen.
It was almost as much fun making the costume (and getting ready) as it was at the party!
I love creating, making and pulling together a fun look.

Halloween Costume Planning | Ice Queen | Fake Fabulous

I relish the time taken to decide what costume to make.
Lot's of searching online for scary images that push my buttons.
If it makes me shudder then I'm up for giving it a go!

This year is going to be SO much fun.
Even bigger, slightly ridiculous and even scarier.... Hehehehehehehe. 
{Cackling laugh}

My youngest two are also making their own costumes this year, and the youngest's creation could make grown men cry... I kid you not!👹.
Here's hoping she nails it.

Do you attend (or host) a Halloween Party?
Do you go for Cute/Funny or seriously Scary costumes?
Please let me know in the comments... I would love to hear all about it!

After reading last week's fabulous links my head was turned by the vibrant purple of Emma's jacket.
Found in a Charity shop too... a girl after my own heart!
See the original post HERE.

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