If you're a fan of outdoor activities, and love being in the open air, then you know that fashion needs to take a back seat... and practicality must rule the day.
However, even though outdoor wear has to be practical, there is never any need to be boring, dull or frumpy.
You can easily add colour, and even a nod to your personal style!
Today I'm sharing what I've been wearing (almost) every day this week.
Okay, not the same clothes (I'm getting pretty muddy most days) but the same basic shapes.... and these old boots haven't been off my feet!
Days climbing hills, walking through woods and visiting lochs.
Evenings eating wholesome food, reading old books and relaxing.
Pure bliss.
Packing was simple...
A waterproof coat.
Walking boots.
Coated jeans.
Cosy jumpers.
Various thermal layers, including long janes!
And wooly socks.
Job done.
COAT: c/o Lighthouse... now on sale!
JUMPER: c/o Kettlewell Colours
JEANS: River Island... similar.
BOOTS: So old I can't remember!... try these.
THERMAL TOP: Uniqlo... this is nice.
Do you love being outdoors, in nature, or are you a city girl?
Or, are you (like me) a lover of both?
Please let me know by leaving a comment.
I love hearing from you!