For the imperfect Fashion lover.

Tartan Reefer Jacket and a Houndstooth Cap.

Tartan reefer & a Baker boy Cap, over 40 | Fake Fabulous

This double breasted reefer jacket is one of my all time favourites!
I love the tartan fabric.
The purple lining...

Tartan reefer & a Baker boy Cap, over 40 | Fake Fabulous
The cosiness of the wool.
The vibrancy of the colours.
The boxy boyish shape.
AND, the fact I've never seen another person wearing the same one!
{This is probably because I bought it from a teenage boys department}

Yes, is buttons up the 'wrong' way, but I don't care!

This reefer is my favourite peps-up-a-plain-outfit, cosy, comfortable, casual jacket.

Tartan reefer & a Baker boy Cap, over 40 | Fake Fabulous

Today's look came together very easily.
A casual denim shirt, petrol jumper and light grey jeans.
{I'm also wearing a sneaky pair of thermal leggings and matching top underneath these layers, for extra warmth... it is cold here.}

Petrol is such a lovely colour, and one of my favourites.
It clashes beautifully with vibrant shades like orange and purple, but I also think it works really well with more muted tones of denim and grey.
A softer colour palette can be just as enjoyable to wear as a bold one!

This quirky magpie necklace added a sense of fun to my look, and my oxblood boots were the perfect choice of footwear.
They are very comfortable, and work with so many different colours (and styles) of clothes.

Tartan reefer & a Baker boy Cap, over 40 | Fake Fabulous

The jacket has a yellow stripe running through the pattern, which I am always keen to highlight, so I wore my bag with the neon guitar strap.
Adding a fun baker boy cap, and a silk scarf, finished things off nicely.

This scarf has multicoloured Olive Oyl figures all over it, which seem to go with most things, and it surprisingly warm for such a sheer piece of fabric.
It is probably my favourite scarf, and I've had it for years... not bad for a tangled sale item in TkMax!

Tartan reefer & a Baker boy Cap, over 40 | Fake Fabulous

This outfit turned out to be jam-packed with some my favourites things...
The Coat.
The Boots.
The Colours.
The Scarf.
The Bag.

Wearing things that you love, and that make you smile, is always a good idea!

Do you have a favourite coat, scarf or bag?
What colour is it?
Why do you like it so much?

Please share your thoughts in the comments.
I love hearing from you.

Tartan reefer & a Baker boy Cap, over 40 | Fake Fabulous

HAT: M&S... this one is cool!
JACKET: JohnnieB, Boys section.... this one looks nice.
SCARF: Moschino
LIPS: Bourjois rouge edition velvet
BAG: Boden (from eBay)... this one is lovely.
JEANS: Grain (similar)
BOOTS : La Redoute
SOCKS: Burlington... these are fun!
MAGPIE: bought online
SHIRT: New look (this one is lovely)

Linking up to: I will wear what I like (Monday),  Turning heads TuesdayThe Pleated Poppy (Wednesday), Top of the World Style (Thursday), Brilliant blog posts (Thursday), Hat Attack (Friday), Forage Fashion Friday ,


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