This outfit shouldn't work for someone aged 42.
There is nothing particularly "age appropriate" about this look.
The boots are too shiny, and too chunky.
There is too much (over 40) leg on show.
The shorts are too boyish, masculine and baggy.
The jumper is an awkward colour, and an even more awkward (boxy & asymmetric) shape.
The only thing really 'grown up' is the handbag, and even that was picked up at a charity shop for a few pounds.
There is nothing high-end, or high-fashion.
Nothing very elegant.
Nothing particularly classy.
But guess what?
I love it!
This outfit is comfortable, practical and easy to wear.
And, these boots are my (current) favourite pair.
Is there anything that won't work with them?
If so, I'm yet to find it!
These shorts are the perfect piece of clothing to add an androgynous feel to an outfit.
Slightly school-boyish.
A little bit cheeky and mischievous, without being revealing and cheap-looking.
Adding this asymmetric jumper, in a cool tone, picked out the cool coloured threads in the weave.
The jumper is also boxy, and structured, so not at all clingy.
Great for days when cling is the last thing you can be bothered with.
{See these shorts here, picking out the warm tones.
And here, in a full-on, casual, androgynous look... helped along by my cropped hair!}
The heel on these patent boots keeps the shorts looking feminine, without compromising on the boyish chunkiness.
Even with my skinny ankles, I love chunky shoes.
Maybe it is because fierce chunky boots (with serious hardware) were THE thing to wear in the 90's?
{Who else remembers DM's, chokers and flannel shirts with fondness?}
The patent leather also seems to bring light and life to my legs, and every time I look down they make me smile!
That's my idea of the perfect footwear.
Contrasting cool and warm tones can add more interest to an outfit.
Personally, I love to mix cool and warm colours, but it can easily look messy.
Clashing colours can work, but it has to look deliberate and not like an eccentric accident.
As long as each element of your look ties in with something else (even if it is a tiny detail, like a thread running through a weave) then it will work, no mater how different your colours are.
Try to use your own colouring as a guide.
(For example, if you are blonde, a light tan bag would look great with any outfit.)
My own colouring is a mixture of warm and cool elements, so I use that to my advantage.
Mixing warm reds with cool blues is a favourite combination of mine.
{See other mixtures of cool and warm colours, here, here, here and here.}
Red nails always help to give the impression of being feminine, and polished... even if I'm faking it!
Do you like to mix cool and warm colours, in the same outfit?
Please share your thoughts in the comments.
Or, contact me.
BOOTS: Vagabond (Bought on sale)
TIGHTS: Gipsy 100
SHORTS: Joseph (from eBay)
JUMPER: Finery
BAG: Lango (From a Charity shop)
Silk SCARF: A gift