For the imperfect Fashion lover.

What should I be Wearing, now I'm over 35? LINK UP

What should I be wearing, now I'm over 35? | Fake Fabulous

Not this old chestnut again!
Are women really still feeling the pressure to conform to some made-up rule book?

I had a 10-second conversation with someone today that got me thinking.
I wish we could have talked more but there was no time.
How annoying!

The gist of the conversation went like this...

A: "I heard you have a fashion blog, that's great!"
Me: "Oh, thank you... yes I do."
A: "I should have a look at it because I'm trying to figure out what my style should be."
"I normally like short skirts but I feel like I need to get something longer... my son is 16 and I (he) thinks I'm getting too old for that kind of thing."
Me: "Oh, really?... I don't agree with that at all!"
"We need more time to talk!!"

We didn't get another chance to chat and I was left with a whole list of things I wished I could have said.
The thought of someone feeling they need to change who they are and what they like to wear upsets me.

Anyone one who visits Fake Fabulous will know I'm completely against age-appropriate clothing... see this post about not being ready to be frumpy.
We've all heard enough about this topic, that's for sure.

But I'm also dead against any kind of peer (or family based) pressure to dress a certain way.
Even if it's not intended.

My friends would happily comment on my outfits (goodness knows there have been some clangers!) but they also know I would just as happily ignore their opinions.
My husband comments from time to time... safe in the knowledge that his comments have Zero to No influence on my choice of clothes, or how to wear them.

My children say nothing...
Except sometimes my 13-year-old tells me I'm the most embarrassing mum on the planet.
{Along with the Mums of most 13-year-olds out there!}

My son (who is now 19) has never commented but I think he secretly likes the fact his mum has a blog and sometimes wears a splash of colour!

I understand this women's plight.
At 38-40 I had a serious style wobble... thinking it was maybe time to make a few changes.
To act more grown up.
To dress like a real woman.

I even got rid of some old favourites that I (stupidly) thought were no longer appropriate.
What a numpty!!!

How I wish I could go back and have a word with my 38-year-old self.
I'd still be the owner of a pair of lime green suede spray-on trousers... sigh.
Hindsight is wonderful.

The moral of this story?

Don't EVER change who YOU are.
Don't EVER stop wearing what you love and being who you want to be.
And never ever EVER get rid of things you love just because you think you should.
Stick two fingers up to that rule book!

Read more about this topic...
And there are LOADS more posts like these at Fake Fabulous... just search for any keyword and I'm bound to have had something to say about it!

What words of stylish wisdom would you give to someone having a style wobble?
I'd love to hear them!

Last week Carrie's statement leather top caught my eye and made me feel a pang of serious style envy.
This look makes me smile despite not being a big fan of black, especially all-black outfits (on me).
It's simple, stylish and with just enough edge.

See her original post HERE.

Now it's your turn...

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