For the imperfect Fashion lover.

Amazing Women | Over 50 & Fitter than Ever

Real life fitness inspiration | Fit over 40, 50 and 60 | Fake Fabulous

Forget about Instagram perfection, filtered fakery and surgical enhancement...
We need some real-life relatable inspiration!

I've never written a post like this before, but I've been very keen to start a regular 'Health & Fitness' section at Fake Fabulous.

I love to follow fitness bloggers (and Instagrammers) BUT they are often in their 20's and are so 'perfect' I just can't relate to them, or their lifestyle.

I NEED fitness inspiration from someone like me, but I don't know where to find it!
Are you in the same boat?

It's SO important to stay active as we get older, isn't it?

We all need to work much harder to ward off those aches and pains and keep ourselves Fit.
Fit = Being able to wear heels, and have fun!

I'm no fitness expert (by any stretch of the imagination) but I still love to share as many tips and tricks with you as I can.

The only way I'm going to find out more about fitness (over 40) and share the good stuff with you, is to ask for some 'expert' help.

{Read my previous fitness posts HERE...including 3 fitness do's and 3 surprising don'ts.}

Today I want to introduce you to someone.
A REAL Health and Fitness inspiration.
No filter required!

Real life fitness inspiration | Fit over 40, 50 and 60 | Fake Fabulous

Meet Linda.
She's not a professional fitness 'guru'.
She's not a 20-something, chiselled, uber-fit-Instagram-perfect person.
She's not surgically enhanced.
She's not got a truck-load of cash to spend on beauty treatments.

She's a real-life NORMAL woman.
Who just happens to one of the most amazing and inspirational women I know!

I wanted you to see her without photoshop, clever lighting, or skillful posing.
She's really is just like you and me... well, a perkier and fitter version maybe!

I approached Linda at my local gym after admiring her from afar.

{Sounds a bit creepy when I put it like that!}

What I mean when I say that is this 'admiring' involved me gawping at her and saying various things to my friend like:

"OMG, check HER out.... she's bloody amazing!"
"How on earth is she doing that?"
"Do you think she's a retired athlete or something?"
"How old do you think she is?"
"Do you reckon she's 50 or something?"

So, instead of playing a creepy guessing game, I decided to approach her and ask if she wouldn't mind answering a few questions to share at Fake Fabulous.
And maybe even a (tentative) photo?

I told her there was nothing to worry about, it would just be a quick snap to put a face to the name.
I thought I would use stock photos in this post and just have a small 'Linda' mug shot.

Little did I know what was to come!

I brought my camera to the gym the following week and Linda was raring to go!
Looking her fabulous self and more than happy to clown around and have fun in front of the camera.

It just goes to show you should never assume anything about anyone... EVER!

Here is her story and you won't believe what age this lady really is...

Real life fitness inspiration | Fit over 40, 50 and 60 | Fake Fabulous

1. Could you please share a few details about yourself?

My name is Linda and I am 62 years old.  

{Let's pause for a moment here....what?! 62... I almost spat out my tea!}

I worked in the NHS as a nurse, and latterly as a manager, and I retired last year.

I'm now enjoying life without work. 
(I don't know how I had the time to fit it in!)
I love reading, cooking, gardening, and (of course) exercise.
I'm married with one daughter and two lovely grandchildren, who keep me busy, along with my elderly parents, whom I help most days.

2. When did you first became interested in health and fitness? Have you been fit/sporty since you were a child, or did it come in later life?

Health and fitness became a passion for me later in life, despite being a nurse! There was very little emphasis (within my generation) on health and fitness.
Sport seemed to be only for the zealous! 

3. Have you ever had any issues with your weight/size/shape? 

Like everyone else I have had issues with how I looked (and weighed) at different times in life.
I've used the 'quick fix' of a diet many times but never really felt strong (or happy) with my body shape.

4. What motivated you to start your fitness journey? 

My original motivation to start exercising was a vague feeling that (at almost 50) I should do something.  
I was getting out of shape, a bit thick around the middle, and I was not sure what to do about it!
I had been to a slimming club before but didn't think that was the answer.
I was feeling bloated and lethargic.
So, I went along to a local gym and I've never looked back!!

5. What was your first class/activity/session like? Were you nervous? Were you in agony afterwards? 

{I certainly was after mine!}

The usual, "everyone will look at me" worry was soon dispelled!
Everyone else is too busy on their own journey to fitness to look at you!

If you do decide to join a gym, you will find lots of staff who are very motivated (and enthusiastic) dedicated to helping you.
It's a bit of a shock (after your first few sessions) with some aches and pains.
But don't we have those anyway?
And not the good kind!

6. How do you stay motivated? Do you set new goals? 

I am motivated by seeing (and maintaining) the changes that you quickly notice. More stamina.
Feeling well.
Changes in your body and how it copes with stresses. 

My goal is to be as fit and healthy as I can. 
It's my journey and everyone is unique. 
In fact, I'm fitter and in better shape than I've been my whole life.

7. What does a typical week involve for you? Could you share your fitness schedule?

I like to exercise every day but I don't need to go to the gym to do it. 
There are many online exercise classes (some free or only a few pounds).
If you don't want to visit the gym dive in here.
If time is tight there is no need to leave the comfort of your own home! 
I love weight training, but you can start this at home with cans of beans for weights! 
I also love any boxing-related training {she IS a ninja... I've seen this first hand!} and this needs no equipment at all except a towel and a water bottle! 
I even choose holiday hotels with a gym (or available classes) I love it that much!

8. What about nutrition? Do you have any specific foods/drinks that you recommend? What about any food you avoid?

Health needs a good diet and we all know what we should (and shouldn't) be eating! 
A good tip is to think about food as fuel. 
We need top grade fuel to work efficiently and at our best. 

I avoid ready meals as they are full of sugars and preservatives. 
However, no other foods are off limits. 
It's moderation and planning, not making snap decisions which usually pile on the failure feeling once it's scoffed! 
You do not need to buy special drinks or foods, water is super if you are thirsty.

9. Do you have any other advice for any (older 40+) women who are thinking about starting their journey to fitness? 

Or, any final words of wisdom and experience?

You may read this and think...
 "It's OK for her, but I am menopausal, stressed and tired, working full time and too busy to sort out food and go to a gym".
Well, stop right there!!
You are tired (and feeling stressed) because you don't eat well and/or sleep well. Making small changes to your diet and beginning to exercise helps to beat the cycle and make you feel in control of your body and your life.

Try taking photos of your meals and snacks (on your phone). 
Keep a visual diary. 
You will soon be able to work out what works for you and what doesn't!
It sounds simple and that's because it is! 

Exercise is also wonderful for lifting your mood. 

Over forty (or fifty) is the perfect time to start your fitness journey.

The rewards will be so obvious to you (and others) really quickly! 
You might even reverse/help some health issues which are beginning to creep in.

Set yourself a goal. 
Find someone to share it with. 

I would never have believed I could feel so strong and fit at 62... almost 63!
You could too. 
It isn't easy, but nothing worth having ever is. 

Real life fitness inspiration | Fit over 40, 50 and 60 | Fake Fabulous

A REAL woman.
With a REAL life.... and an amazing, positive and inspiring attitude.

{She wasn't a professional athlete after all... I'm such an idiot.}

She's just like the rest of us AND she started just before her 50th birthday.

It's not too late after all!

Please let me know what you think about fitness over 40, Linda's story, or any aspect of this post.
You can do this by leaving a comment below or Contacting Me HERE.

AND... if you have any messages (or questions) for Linda I will be happy to pass them on to her.

Just send them to

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