For the imperfect Fashion lover.

Finally Letting Go... of BAD clothes!

Pink trousers and Monochrome shirt | Fake Fabulous | Bold Work Outfit

It has come to my attention that I look like a saggy sack of spuds in these trousers!
Don't worry, I'm okay with it, it's just taken a wee while to accept.

There is nothing wrong with the trousers OR my body... we're simply incompatible.

These trousers are fabulous.
I fell in love with them as soon as I saw them.

I LOVE the colour... bold and beautiful.
I LOVE the idea of the paper bag(ish) top and admire the shape on other people.
I really, REALLY wanted these trousers to look amazing on me.
They don't.

{See these trousers styled HERE with clashing colours and stripes.
Covering them up a bit was the best option}

Pink trousers and Monochrome shirt | Fake Fabulous | Bold Work Outfit

I have tried to make them work, but every outfit I look back on makes me cringe a little... they are so unflattering on my body!

As much as feeling good does make you look good, when something doesn't 'fit' your body no amount of wishing will make it work.
Wanting something to fit doesn't make it so.

{See them looking pretty hideous HERE and HERE}

Styling clothes shouldn't involve tweaking, clever tucking and/or covering up.
Good clothes should look great (and feel) with little to no effort.

For the sake of this (final) pink trouser outfit post I have only shown you the most flattering angles... and even they are not very flattering!

The trousers (and I) deserve better.

It's time to say "Cheerio!"

My body just doesn't fit these trousers... so they have to go.
I'm giving them to my friend (who doesn't know it yet) and they will be amazing on her!!

I'm not blaming my body.

My body is doing a great job of carrying me around and I try to be kind to it... it's grown humans and been kicking about for almost 45 years so it's doing okay.

I'm not blaming the trousers either.

They are fabulous and will be amazing on someone else.

Pink trousers and Monochrome shirt | Fake Fabulous | Bold Work Outfit

Sometimes we're just not compatible, are we?
So why do we hang on to things that aren't right?

{I know I'm not the only one that does it!!}

Please share something you're hanging on to that should really be heading to a new home.
Why are you having trouble letting go?
I'd love to hear about it!

TROUSERS: Topshop (old)... these look gorgeous... I'm tempted to try them!
SHIRT: Topshop, Charity shopped... this bunny one is fun!
SHOES: Clarks... old as the hills... try these!
BAG: Charity shopped (no idea why someone would get rid of this beauty!). Try this one.


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