Okay, I admit that title is a little (ahem) on the sensational side.
What I really mean is...
Does blogging contribute to a sedentary lifestyle?Does sitting all day at a computer make us a bit squishy around the middle?
Unless you're a fitness blogger, does blogging make you unfit?
Welcome to the #fakeituntilyoumakeit Link Up.
This week I'm talking about the static hobby/job or job-hobby called blogging.
Writing a blog involves many hours of sedentary behaviour and ultimately involves you sitting on your bum at a desk or (in my case) lying on a sofa with a laptop on your knee.
Not great for a healthy active lifestyle!
For me, blogging was starting to become VERY bad for my health.
Within a year I went from being reasonably toned and active to decidedly squishy and undeniably lazy!
Sitting with my laptop on my knee, drinking tea and munching crisps was all too easy.
I lost muscle tone, noticed a change in my posture and lacked energy.
Aches and pains began developing AND wrinkles popped up between my eyes.
Not to mention that regular feeling of a numb bum!
I've also heard that working on a computer can cause dark under-eye circles.
Eeek!!.... mine are bad enough without any help.
These symptoms were an awful side effect of my new hobby and I wasn't happy about it.
Especially as I was falling in love with blogging and didn't want to give it up.
Something had to be done, and quick!
First, an easy one...
I wear a Frownie when typing for long periods.
It sounds silly (and looks daft) but stops me furrowing and scowling when I'm typing.
There are many times I've forgotten I'm wearing it and either answered the door or taken Jake out for a walk.
Oh, dear!
I made an effort to be much more active.
I convinced my friends to try a few gym classes and after a wee while we all joined up.
This came as a surprise as personally, I'd NEVER set foot in a gym in my life.
I also still walk the dog (as normal) but now I go for a longer walk in ALL weathers.
{Read more about getting fit in your 40's here}
These two things that have improved matters no end.
I feel better than ever.
Although I do still get a numb-blogging-bum from time to time, especially when visiting other blogs.
Are you guilty of numb-bum-blogging-behaviour?
How to you compensate for the negative side effects of blogging?
I'd love to hear your thoughts!
{Could you also let me know if you'd like to see fitness posts & updates on Twitter/Instagram and/or Facebook?
I value your opinion on this!}
Please leave me a comment, or send an email to samantha44blair(at)gmail.com
Oh, one last thing before we link up...
Please don't think I've forgotten about the Best Bloggers of 2018 list!
I'm still working my way through your (fab) suggestions.
Thank you so much for your comments, links and emails.
I really appreciate your efforts and the fact your sharing such amazing blogs.
so inspiring (and ironically involving more time making my bum numb!)
#Fakeituntilyoumakeit LINK UP time!
At last week's link up Lina's ice cream caught my eye... despite not really liking ice cream that much AND the freezing temperatures here.There's just something about a good recipe that makes me smile.
I hope you enjoyed it too!
See the full post HERE.