WARNING: This post contains a link that some people may find upsetting.
Here are 5 Articles, blog posts and videos that have inspired me this month.
First, on a really serious note...
1. Still not asking for it
This series of photos, by an Australian photographer, aims to raise awareness of rape culture and sexual abuse.I was moved by the powerful images.
Please check them out.
2. Birthday Girl
In honour of Elizabeth Taylor's birthday on the 27th February (she was born in 1932).Check out this amazing Elizabeth Taylor Makeup tutorial by my favourite makeup artist
Lisa Eldridge.
What an astonishing transformation!
This image (below) is of Elizabeth at 42.
The same age as I am now.
It was taken in 1974, which was the year I was born.
Did you know she had a double row of lashes?
Wearing her own set of false lashes, naturally.
Lucky lady!
3. Check out these 12 (over 40) bloggers you should know.
Take a look at this post from one of my favourite bloggers, Catherine @notdressedaslamb.She regularly makes interesting blogger recommendations, and recently produced a list of fantastic bloggers (all over 40) that you should know.
Recognise anyone?
4. Buried under rubbish?
This shocking article about the Rubbish crisis in Lebanon reignited my teenage/university worries about the health of our planet.Are we all guilty of wasting too much?
Do you regularly reuse and recycle?
I try hard to do my bit, but I know I could do better.
Shocking stuff...imagine the smell!! Yuck.
5. Just for fun!
This brilliant little video is for any fans of Nirvana, or gorgeous dogs (or both).Take a look at this very funny Vine featuring a famous dog called Maple, playing the bongos.
Brilliant fun.
Check our Trench's other Vines, they are so funny.
I wonder if I can train Jake to do this?