For the imperfect Fashion lover.

My Wardrobe Tour Part 2

Wardrobe tour: Part 2 | Fake fabulous

Welcome back to the second part of my wardrobe tour.
(Nope... the wardrobe in this image is not mine!)

Back in the real world...
In the previous instalment, I talked about 4 ways you can organise your wardrobe more efficiently (see that post HERE) and always have something to wear.

In this post, I'm simply going to show you the rest of my things in my main wardrobe.

Let's have a nosey, shall we?

Wardrobe tour: Part 2 | Fake fabulous

I laugh out loud when I compare my tiny wardrobe to the image at the beginning of this post.
Do you know anyone who's wardrobe looks like that?
I'd love to know if you do... or if that's you!

This second half of the wardrobe is where my "going out" clothes live (I love a bit of sparkle).
Sometimes I wear these party pieces during the day if the situation (and venue) allows.

Some of these pieces I've had for years.
Maybe you recognise them from previous outfits?

Wardrobe tour: Part 2 | Fake fabulous

My day dresses, co-ords and 'bottoms' (Skirts, shorts and trousers) also live on this side.

Wardrobe tour: Part 2 | Fake fabulous

Wardrobe tour: Part 2 | Fake fabulous

Wardrobe tour: Part 2 | Fake fabulous

In the small drawers are my socks.
I have a real 'thing' about socks.
I LOVE them.
Socks are the perfect gift for me especially if they are wool.
My dream pressie would be a pair of cosy hand-knitted socks.
I would squeal with delight!
(Such a geek)

Wardrobe tour: Part 2 | Fake fabulous

In the next drawer are my PJs and bed socks.
There is a big space in this drawer at the moment, so no photo because I'm wearing my cosy jammies as I type this!
The last drawer is full of my hairstyling bits and bobs.

Wardrobe tour: Part 2 | Fake fabulous

Finally, on each side of my wardrobe are some more accessories.
Heavier weight scarves on the left and necklaces on the right.

Wardrobe tour: Part 2 | Fake fabulous

Wardrobe tour: Part 2 | Fake fabulous

Wardrobe tour: Part 2 | Fake fabulous

Let me know if you recognise any of my items from previous outfit posts?
I'd love to know!
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