For the imperfect Fashion lover.

How to wear a Slip Dress in Winter * Layered Coats

Moody Blue Winter Outfit | Silver Slip Dress and Layered Coats

I'm in a Blue colour mood today.
Wintery with a touch of metallic.

Like a (sub)urban Icequeen 👸.
{An Urban Icequeen would have been much cooler I'm sure!}

I'm styling my summer slipdress again today with some winterly layers and a double jacket situation.

What I Wore this Week #WIWTW

What I Wore | Weekly OOTD | Fake Fabulous

Welcome to another glimpse into what I've really been wearing this week.

The Good.
The Bad.
And the downright Grotty!

(On my grottiest day (Thursday) there was almost a major mishap... Read more about it HERE)

Winter Hat and a Camel Coat

Winter Outfit | Camel Coat and a Wool Hat | Fake Fabulous

Wearing this outfit gave me so much pleasure!
It's made up of many elements that I LOVE to wear.
Colour, texture and interest.
Warm and comfortable.
Traditional but still individual.
A perfect Winter look!

Shabby to Chic in 2 Minutes!

How to go from Shabby to Chic in 2 minutes flat! Fake Fabulous

Oh dear!
What happened here?

Picture the sorry scene...
Earlier today I was dressed as you see below.

{When I say 'dressed' I mean that there were clothes on my body... that's as far as it went towards being an outfit}

How to go from Shabby to Chic in 2 minutes flat! Fake Fabulous

  • Joggers (not even cool ones).
  • A gent's jumper (nice enough but hardly chic).
  • Some fluffy socks and questionable clogs.

Oh my!

I'm enjoying a cuppa and getting my chore list organised when I suddenly remember that I have an appointment and I need to leave NOW.

O. M. G!

I needed to be dressed, presentable and out of the door 5 minutes ago.


Now is not a good time to panic.

On the plus side, I'm showered and my teeth are brushed.
Yes, my hair is a fluffy disaster with a daft clip but it is winter, so hats are acceptable attire (thank goodness).

It's freezing cold and of course, I could easily slip out of these joggers into skinny jeans but the truth is I don't want to!

(Even if I had the time I couldn't face peeling off these layers and getting chilled.)

I need to do something and make it snappy!

How to go from Shabby to Chic in 2 minutes flat! Fake Fabulous

How to go from a sloppy mess to 'dressed' in 2 minutes flat!

1. Add a quality layer

So, you've been caught short?
Maybe you're in a scabby jumper and a pair of dubious joggers.
What can you do?

Add some layers and disguise your style misdemeanours!
I've popped on a velvet blazer, belted it and threw on a long wool coat over the top.
It's an interesting texture and detracts from my gents jumper just enough.
The long coat hides my offending joggers.

A leather jacket or a wool blazer would work just as well, especially if your joggers are slightly less offensive than mine!

2. Add a decent shoe

Joggers and heels look AMAZING.
I'll not be jumping on board that trend for 3 reasons.

  • They'll kill my feet
  • It's too cold
  • My joggers are grey and a bit baggy at the knee... not chic, even with a heel.

I've opted for over the knee boots paired with cosy legwarmers.
The legwarmers are warm but they also hold the baggy jogger knees in place.

3. Pop on a Lip!

What's the easiest way to look dressed?
Add a lippy.
I had 30 seconds to do mine but I could have done it en-route if needed.

It's amazing how a lipstick can transform your face from disaster-zone to decent.
My tip would be to forget a perfect finish and simply apply with a finger for an effortless and casual feel.
Easy peasy.

4. Wear a HAT

Thank goodness for hats, eh?
Winter allows all-day-long-hat-wearing and eliminates the need for any hairstyling or management.
As someone with hair that does it's own thing (even when I try to tame it) wild waves are the norm so even without the hat I could have gotten away with a quick mess up and maybe some hair oil?
As it was this beret did all the hairstyling I needed.

Job done!

How to go from Shabby to Chic in 2 minutes flat! Fake Fabulous

How to go from Shabby to Chic in 2 minutes flat! Fake Fabulous

Have you ever had to leave the house in a questionable outfit like this one?
I'd love to hear how you would have got yourself dressed in 2 minutes?

{Shhh....I've walked the dog in a long puffa and wellies over my PJs a few times!}

WOOL COAT: Charity Shopped
VELVET BLAZER: Topshop (past season)
STAR PIN: Very old!
CASHMERE JUMPER: Charity shopped from the gent's section!
LEATHER BOOTS: Vintage 1991!
BAG: Charity shopped
LEATHER BELT: River Island

How to go from Shabby to Chic in 2 minutes flat! Fake Fabulous


What I Really Wore This Week (a bit of a cheat!) #OOTD

What I wore this Week | Outfit of the Day | Fake Fabulous
Hello and welcome back to another "What I Wore This Week".
It's a sneak peek into my real (and not so perfect) style life.

Every week I'm sharing what I really wore each day.
The good.
The bad.
AND the downright ugly!

I must admit that this week has been a bit of a cheat.
If you have an eagle eye you'll probably have noticed that I didn't post a "What I Wore" last weekend.

This is because I've not been feeling too great recently.
I'll not bore you with the details, all you need to know is that I've mostly been wearing joggers, fisherman's jumpers, zero makeup and scruffy hair.
Or should I say scruffier than normal hair!
Not very chic or stylish.

However, despite my jogger-wearing antics I have managed to venture out of the house occasionally in a selection of outfits.
When I say "outfit" I mean a coloured coat and a hat.
I've also spent a lot of my time sporting a red lip in order to give me a bit of a kick up the style backside.

So, this week is not so much a "What I wore this week" but a "What I wore recently"...

Let's get stuck in!

Wardrobe Tour part 3... the finale!

Wardrobe Tour part 3 | Saving the Best until Last | Fake Fabulous

This is the final instalment of my wardrobe tour and I've saved the best until last!
The final wardrobe instalment is my second wardrobe and it's full of my favourite things.

  • Coats
  • Jackets
  • Bags 
  • Shoes

I have more coats and jackets than I do any other individual item (apart from socks... I have a thing about them.)
Coats and jackets are an essential part of any Scottish outfit regardless of the season!

See part 1 of my wardrobe tour (with loads of organisation tips and tricks) HERE.
See part 2 of the tour HERE.

Let's dive right in and take a look...

My Wardrobe Tour Part 2

Wardrobe tour: Part 2 | Fake fabulous

Welcome back to the second part of my wardrobe tour.
(Nope... the wardrobe in this image is not mine!)

Back in the real world...
In the previous instalment, I talked about 4 ways you can organise your wardrobe more efficiently (see that post HERE) and always have something to wear.

In this post, I'm simply going to show you the rest of my things in my main wardrobe.

Let's have a nosey, shall we?

Black Pleated Leather Midi Skirt & Blue Maxi Coat

Cobalt Blue Coat, Black Leather Pleated Skirt | Fake Fabulous

Today I'm sharing an outfit I wore last week when the weather was a little warmer and my layers were down below 5... 😀
3 to be exact.
It was almost a WARM winters day (10 degrees) and it felt great!
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