For the imperfect Fashion lover.

Blue, White and Silver | Autumn Outfit Idea

Blue White and Silver | Simple Autumn Outfit | Fake Fabulous

Today I'm sharing a simple autumnal outfit idea that goes against the 'traditional' autumn outfit colours.
(Naughty me!)

Much as I love mustard rust and burgundy, sometimes I feel the need to break free from the expected and wear something a little different.

Blue White and Silver | Simple Autumn Outfit | Fake Fabulous

This outfit still ticks all of my autumn-outfit-requirement boxes.
It's comfortable, warm and (most important) easy to wear.
I can't be bothered being restricted and squeezed... unless it's a very special occasion.

{Although... there is definitely nowhere to hide in a t-shirt dress. Undies need careful consideration! The smaller the pants the better.}

Blue White and Silver | Simple Autumn Outfit | Fake Fabulous

I'm sticking to light, bright and pale colours... just to feel a bit different!

A simple blue t-shirt dress with a layering shirt underneath.
This shirt is very fine and not bulky at all.
I tucked it (carefully) into my cosy tights to keep it in place.
Not very sexy but practical!

These tights are fun to wear and make me smile whenever I put them on.
Silver boots are a cheerful finishing touch!

What colours are you wearing at the moment?
Are you embracing the 'traditional' autumn shades or doing something a little different?
I'd love to hear all about it!

Blue White and Silver | Simple Autumn Outfit | Fake Fabulous

DRESS: River Island
SHIRT: Older than time itself!
GLOVES & BAG: Unknown...A gift from a friend
NECKLACE & BOOTS: Topshop (old)
TIGHTS: Zohara (old)

Blue White and Silver | Simple Autumn Outfit | Fake Fabulous


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