For the imperfect Fashion lover.

What to Wear for Work When it's Too Damn Hot!

Hot Weather Work Outfit | Fake Fabulous

Is it hot where you are just now?
Warm enough or too much?

I love it when the mercury rises.
It's such a rare treat for us, here in Scotland.
And it's especially great when you have some time off work!

{Guess who's been loafing around in the garden for the past week?? 😊}

However, if you're squashed up on public transport while commuting to work then the heat is no fun at all.

{There is nothing as disgusting as being pressed up against someone's sweaty armpit on a tube, or bus, journey.... yuck!}

Commuting and working in the heat can be a miserable experience.

That uncomfortable clammy feeling.
Crumpled clothes.
Damp armpits.
Hot swollen feet.
Even your makeup slides off your face.

Hot Weather Work Outfit | Fake Fabulous

The makeup part is easily fixed with a little help from someone in the know...

Take a look at this (old) video from Lisa Eldridge.
The colours may be very 2013 but the techniques are still spot on.

She is one of my favourite MUA's... no Instagram OTT looks.
Just wearable makeup.

So, your face is now staying put...but getting dressed can be a little more tricky!

Most tailoring is not very comfortable in really hot weather.
Work clothes can feel stiff, restrictive and stuffy, ending up in a crumpled mess well before lunchtime.

Sometimes you'll see people who are normally immaculate, looking like they've slept in their clothes when the hot weather hits.

Linen may seem like the obvious answer, but it can be dodgy as it crushes and wrinkles as soon as you look at it the wrong way!

{Personally, I like the look of crumpled linen but it's not to everyone's taste.}

The only way to dress comfortably is in loose fitting natural or high-tech fabrics.

Definitely NO polyester dresses or blouses for me... Polyester + Sweat = Stink!

Today I'm wearing an outfit that is smart enough for my workplace.

I am obviously wearing shorts here and I know that for a lot of people shorts are unacceptable workwear, but you could easily swap out these short shorts for a pair of tailored culottes or a skirt.
If you need to wear a skirt with hosiery there are some beautiful invisible tights available.... try these.

Hot Weather Work Outfit | Fake Fabulous

For me, this outfit is the perfect compromise between smart and practical.

I'm wearing a loose cropped cotton shirt that lets the air circulate around my body.
I'm certainly NOT tucking anything in today!

My shorts are a softly tailored cotton/linen/poly mix that resists crushing.
Not too tight on the leg, tummy or around my rear.
I tend to swell up a little in hot weather and can't bare anything that digs in!

Hot Weather Work Outfit | Fake Fabulous

Hot Weather Work Outfit | Fake Fabulous

These shoes are the perfect balance between comfortable and cool.
The covered toe keeps them looking smart but the open back is light and cool.

They also have an orthotic footbed that supports the foot so it's not like shuffling around in slippers like many of these loafer-style mules!

Hot Weather Work Outfit | Fake Fabulous

I prefer to keep hot weather outfits as simple as possible.
Accessories can be irritating, so today I've stuck to simple earrings and a practical large bag... essential for those hot weather extras like water bottles, suncream and deodorant!

SHOES: c/o Vionic
SHORTS: Charity shopped ... try these!
BLOUSE: Also Charity shopped... M&S ... try this one.
BAG: Dune... try this one.
GLASSES: Calvin Klein (old)... try these
EARRINGS: Charity shopped (again!!) ... these are lovely

What do you wear for work when the temperature rises?
I'd love to hear!

Hot Weather Work Outfit | Fake Fabulous


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