If you're anything like me, returning to work after a holiday (or any kind of break) is HARD.
I LOVE my blog but my other job is much less fulfilling.
I used to enjoy my '9-5' work but recently (in fact for a long while now) politics, pressures and lack of 'support' has made my job a real chore.
As a scientist, the lack of vision and forward thought is infuriating and I often resort to resigning myself to the circumstances.
Switching off my naturally questioning brain.
I have to surrender to the madness or I would go crazy!
I've worked some seriously crappy jobs in my time (I needed money and did whatever was available to make it) so I know it's not the WORK I dislike... it's everything else that goes with it.
You may be in the same boat as me?
Feeling bored and frustrated?
Taken for granted?
You may also feel trapped and that you can't do anything to help the situation?
In reality, we aren't always able to change our circumstances.
Sometimes looking for a new job is not a realistic option.
Maybe you can't change what's going on BUT, what you can change is your attitude to it.
1. Be Proud to HAVE a Job
Without sounding like a nag... please remember that having a job is a positive thing.
No matter how frustrating your job might be at the moment.
Ignore anyone who thinks to be jobless, and on benefits is an easy life.
Having a job not only gives you money, it gives you self-respect.
It sets a good example for your children.
It makes you feel like you're doing your bit to help keep the cogs turning.
Every job is important, and everyone does an important job.
2. Pick 3 things you Like about your Work Situation
This can be quite tricky but it doesn't have to be the actual job you do!
Mine are...
- I appreciate the importance of my work and the fact I'm doing my bit (and my best) to help people who are unwell.
- I love breaktimes! Getting peace and eating good food.
- (some of) My colleagues are fun to be around.
When you're having a rotten time of it remind yourself of your 3.
3. Start Changing Things
It sounds obvious, but start looking for another job... if that is an option.
Even the process of looking will make you feel better.
There could be a chink of light at the end of the work tunnel.
If a new job is out of the question (for whatever reason) try and find a way to do something different at work.
A pet project.
A little niche you could slip into that plays to your strengths.
Find a way to do more of what you're good at.
4. Break your Day Down into Sections
This is the big one (for me) and stops my mind from going into meltdown.
I don't focus on:
"I've got to go to work tomorrow for 8 HOURS OF HELL!!"I break it up into positive slices to ease the pain.
- I take a really good coffee with me and sit outside for 10-15 minutes before I start, watching the world go by and catching up on my favourite blogs!
- I split the day into "Time between Breaks" and make sure I have something delicious to eat/drink for each time I away from my station. My bag is stuffed full of yummy things! I cherish each minute of downtime.
- I try to look for more challenging or time-consuming tasks... which is easy as most people avoid these. I love anything to do with maintenance and getting my hands in amongst the equipment. More difficult tasks make the working day go much quicker!
- I always have something to look forward to at the end of the working day. This can be meeting a friend for a walk, a yoga class, watching a film with my husband, something delicious for dinner. They don't need to be big things and they help a lot. Tomorrow (Monday) I'm going to a Bodybalance class after work and I can't wait!
How do you feel about your day-to-day work?
Love it?
Hate it?
Tolerate it?
Maybe you're a stay-at-home-mum of young children? How do you get through your working day with its long hours and zero breaks?
Maybe you're retired and fill your day with things you LOVE to do?
Maybe you moved from a job you hate to your dream job??
I'd love to hear all about it... and any tips you have for getting through a crappy day.