For the imperfect Fashion lover.

How to Accept the Fact You're Getting Older | LINK UP

How to Accept the Fact You're getting older | Fake Fabulous

Getting older.
If you're lucky, it's part of life.
And there's nothing we can do about it.

(Despite what cosmetic brands tell us!)

Age doesn't care how rich you are or how much time you have on your hands... it's coming for you!

More on that later.

Unfortunately, modern culture means we are bombarded with images of youth.
Even products marketed at older women are modelled by young girls.
We are told that youth is beautiful and age is somehow ugly.

We are often told to cover up and stop making a 'show' of ourselves.
Age is pitied.

Well, frankly, I say...

"Bollocks to that!"

I'm getting older and I'm not ready to throw in the towel on life.

The mirror reminds me that I'm 44 every day and no amount of positive thinking (or embracing my age) will make me like my eye bags, age spots and wrinkly eyelids.

But, just because I don't like these signs of ageing doesn't mean that I haven't accepted them... and ultimately myself.

Accepting the fact you're getting older is the ONLY way to be happy.


Acceptance is certainly NOT a passive emotion!!
It's definitely not a case of putting up with anything or giving up.

"Oh, well... I'm over 40. Why bother trying to look nice?"

Stop that!

{Much like the "I'll wear something nice when I've lost the weight" way of thinking... read more about that HERE}

1. Give yourself a break and keep up!

Don't put too much pressure on yourself.
You're not 21 anymore but that doesn't mean you can't do what you want.
You can still make an effort with your appearance and look nice, if you want to.

Being older does not mean you have to give up on fashion and beauty trends.
In fact, now it a perfect time to enjoy them.
With age comes confidence and less interest in other people's opinions!

You'll probably need to accept that the dream of being a prima ballerina may need to be shelved, BUT there are plenty more fun things to be doing.

Keeping up-to-date with current affairs, art, science, film, tv, music and technology (or whatever floats your boat) is the perfect way to stay interesting.

2. Forget Denial

Forget about burying your head in the sand and pretending you're younger than you are.
You're not fooling anyone!

Even if you've got the time (money and inclination) to inject things into your face or undergo cosmetic procedures, proceed with caution.
Plastic surgery can be addictive.
'Smoothing out' one area can highlight 'problems' in another.
Do you really want to head down the road of nipping and tucking?

At the end of the day, you won't actually look younger.

(Sorry to burst that bubble)

You'll just look like an older woman that's had some work done.
Or worse... like a Micky Rourke/Melanie Griffith... shudder.

What's wrong with the way you look anyway?

Once you've accepted that fact you'll feel empowered.

Being real, authentic and believable is much more attractive.
Be proud of who you are and how far you've come.

3. Stop Living in the Past

Banging on about how you used to be slim/a great dancer/able to do the box splits (hehehe, that last one is me!) is BORING.
Focus on what you can do here and now.

If you don't have an interest or hobby, GET ONE and quick!
Nothing is as dull as someone constantly reminiscing about how interesting their life USED to be.... zzz zzz zzz.

Of course, tales of your past exploits as a go-go dancer are incredibly interesting, in the right context!

{Context being sharing a bottle of wine with friends!}

Embrace the past but don't live in it.

Instead of harping back to "your day" make TODAY your day!

4. Don't put Life on Hold

Waiting for that 10 pounds to drop off your butt, or your new anti-wrinkle regime to kick in is wasting valuable time.
Make the most of NOW.
The harsh reality is that "In 10 years" might never come.
We never know what's around the corner.

5. Stop worrying about 'Not Being Attractive'

Contrary to what popular culture might tell us, men can also find older women attractive too.

Apparently men DON'T only fancy young women!
Who knew?!

Joking aside, we all know that any strong and confident woman is sexy, older or not.
Oh yes indeed!

What is your opinion on this?
Have you accepted the fact you're getting older?
Do you have any tips to share?

I'd love to hear them!

Last week Jess almost gave me whiplash with this vibrant summer look.
Fabulous and bold.
She proves that redheads can look AMAZING in yellow... I'm trying to overlook the fact that Jess looks pretty amazing in everything.
See her full post HERE.

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