For the imperfect Fashion lover.

Getting your Knees out over 40 | Spot Skirt & Lilac Tee

Lilac Tee, Spotty Wrap Miniskirt & Tatty Devine Mouth Necklace | Fake Fabulous

Bare Knees.
Knees can be a touchy subject, especially when you are on the south-side of 40.

Once we're over this milestone, we've slid smoothly into the second half of our lives and most of our body has gone south with us.
Knees can go particularly baggy from now on in!

So, at what point to we donate our short hemlines to the charity shop and cover up those 'offending' kneecaps?

Well, if you're a regular reader it probably won't surprise you to hear that I don't think any part of our body has an expiry date.

Let's face it, knees are not the most attractive part of a woman's body at any age and if you have knobbly ones (like me) they've probably always been a little bit on the 'ugly' side.

However, as long as you're happy to get them out, then get them out!

If your knees upset you cover them up, but NEVER cover up because you feel like you ought to.
Do it because you want to.

I'm going to be getting my knobbly knees out for the foreseeable future and I don't much care if anyone thinks I shouldn't!

{Read more about When legs get old and what to do about it HERE}

Lilac Tee, Spotty Wrap Miniskirt & Tatty Devine Mouth Necklace | Fake Fabulous

Today I'm wearing an outfit that was accused of being a little too young for me, or to be exact...

"Are you not too old for that?"

Well, Excuuuuuuuse me!

First, as I'm not currently six feet under so I don't consider myself too old for anything.
Second, I've been working my ass off at the gym recently and I feel like I've earned the right to keep wearing what I want AND even if I'd been sitting on a sofa for 12 months (eating cake) I would still be wearing what makes me happy.

So, thank you for your input, but keep your own insecurities to yourself and don't project them onto other people.

{Ahem... I didn't laugh this one off as I normally do! 😁)

Lilac Tee, Spotty Wrap Miniskirt & Tatty Devine Mouth Necklace | Fake Fabulous

Today's outfit is (IMO) ageless and fun!

A wrap skirt and a plain tee.
Simple as simple can be!

I like the spots on this skirt and it's (pointless) ruffle.
It's just a fun piece that is very easy and comfortable to wear.
Pairing it with a plain tee and a fun necklace seemed the way to go.

Lilac Tee, Spotty Wrap Miniskirt & Tatty Devine Mouth Necklace | Fake Fabulous

My husband recently surprised me with this fab necklace.

"It's SO you Sam. Doing what you want!"

{I'm sure that was meant as a compliment??}

I always try to do what I want, especially when it comes to style... and so should you!

What do you think?
Do you feel too old for certain clothes that you still want to wear?
I'd love to hear about it.
Please leave me a comment and say hello... I'll get back to you!

Lilac Tee, Spotty Wrap Miniskirt & Tatty Devine Mouth Necklace | Fake Fabulous

TRAINERS: Puma (these are pink)
NECKLACE: Tatty Devine

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