This post was inspired by a comment made by a friend.
She was talking about wearing a maxi dress (for a party) and told be she thought maxi hemlines worn with heels looked very 70's, and not a good look for anyone who did it the first time!
I decided to give it a go.
I deliberately chose these 70's-looking sandals to team with my striped maxi.
Just to test out the "too 70's" theory!
Clashing the stripe of the skirt with a floral cami (and a bright green cardigan), satisfied my need for colour.
A turquoise necklace, and my (pretty but useless) mini straw-topped bag finished things off nicely!
I felt a little bit retro... especially in my big white glasses... but not too 70's.
And (even in a cardigan!) I didn't feel frumpy or boring.
In fact, I loved this comfortable and colourful outfit.
What do you think of maxi hemlines and heels?
Please let me know in the comments.
I would love to hear your thoughts.
TOP: George... similar.
BAG: Old... this one is nothing like mine but would look FAB!
CARDIGAN: Boden (old)... similar.
SHOES: Clarks (old)... these are lovely.
NECKLACE: Charity shop find (similar).... read about it HERE.
I thought I would leave you of this shot of my photo bombing house guests!
We are dog-sitting Jake's Mum (the grey whippet eating the verbena!) and sister.
I've loved having them.