How is your Self Esteem?
Low self esteem is very common, and it can be such a touchy subject, can't it?In an ideal world we would all be confident in our abilities, and content with how we looked.
However, back in the real world, almost everyone suffers from a lack of self confidence (and low self esteem) from time to time.
{Whether they admit it or not!}
Unfortunately, some people suffer ALL of the time.
That horrible feeling that you are not quite good enough.
Sound familiar?
Lacking in self confidence is not just for the (so-called) 'normal' people of this world.
Even the seemingly 'perfect' people suffer.
In fact, sometimes the pressure to be perfect is SO great that the people who have immaculate facades to maintain feel even worse than the rest of us.
It's tougher at the top as all eyes are on them.
The world is waiting for them to mess-up so it can point and laugh.
Not Quite Good Enough.
These feelings of low self esteem, and self doubt, are more common than you might think.Successful people can feel like a fraud, despite being hardworking and talented.
Beautiful people can feel ugly, and hate their features, despite being admired and envied.
Fit people can feel they look flabby and fat, despite being super-toned, strong and fast.
Crazy isn't it?
It's a hard pattern to break, and there's no quick fix, but the ONE thing we should never do when our own confidence is lacking is to try and drag other people down.
No matter who they are, no one deserves that.
Confidence Hangs on a Shoogly Peg!
True body confidence is something that few people have, and if they do it's hanging on a very shoogly peg... a Scottish phrase that means a wobbly and loose peg, or hook.You could say "Hanging by a thread".
But we can ALL achieve it.
Well... fake it anyway!
Try having a look at THIS POST... 5 Ways to Fake Body Confidence if you're having a wobble.
It you appear confident then people will assume you actually ARE confident.
It's a great trick.
This red dress is the perfect 'faking it' dress.
Looking at someone wearing a dress like this, you would assume the wearer was super-confident.
Who else would wear a short, red and ruffle-covered dress?
Certainly no wallflower.
(Your secret would be safe as houses!)
A little TOO much.
This dress is a little too much in SO many ways!It's a little too Loud.
It's a little too Short.
It's a little too Shiny.
It's definitely a little too Ruffly!
Yes, it shows off my knobbly knees, and skinny blue legs.
Yes, it highlights my little baby belly.
But who really cares?
Other people don't even notice what we look like half of the time, and if they do we are almost instantly forgotten.
Other people care much less about how you look than you think!
At the end of the day, I felt good and my husband liked it too.That's all that really matters, isn't it?
To be honest, husbands/partners/lovers tend not to notice (or care) about our little 'imperfections'. They simply don't see them, and can't understand what we are on about. Keep quiet about your 'flaws' and they will never know.
I love red and blue together.
For me, it just seems to work.
{See these blue suede shoes styled HERE, HERE and HERE}
A vintage black clutch, and my favourite eye brooch finished things off nicely.
Simple and effective.
Sometimes all you need is the dress and the attitude!
How do you handle self confidence wobbles?
Do you try to fake it, or hide away until you feel better?
Do you suffer from low self esteem?
Please share your story by either leaving a comment (you can do it anonymously if you prefer) or send me an email samantha44blair(at)gmail(dot)com.
I would love to hear from you!
RED DRESS: Ted Baker...£5 in a charity shop! (similar)
BLUE SHOES: Nine West... these are perfect.
BLACK PATENT BAG: Vintage... similar.
EYE BROOCH: H&M... similar.