Heading into your 40s can be a tough time when it comes to health, fitness and beauty.
Your 40s can often be the time when you start to notice major changes, and none of them good!
Health issues can arise, or worsen.
Your figure can change.
Waists thicken and various bits get saggy, crinkly, wrinkly and a bit sad looking.
Of course, I can only comment on health and fitness as someone who:
- Is basically a lazy bones.
- Loves food and will never diet!
- Hates being competitive and can't hit a ball with a bat.
{Although, I am never going to be on a diet or cut back on the things I love to eat.}
So here are my top fitness tips for women in their 40s, and beyond;
3 Surprising Don'ts
1. Don't have a specific goal.
What?!Yes, not having a specific goal sounds silly doesn't it? BUT having the pressure of losing 10lbs, or getting to a size 8 for an occasion, can be counterproductive.
With all of this pressure any little set back, or slip up, can lead to feeling like a failure.
Feeling like a failure leads to self-loathing and the "sod it" attitude which never works in our favour, does it?
The only goal worth having, in my opinion, is to say each day "I'm going to do my best"... then get on with doing just that!
Take each day as it comes.
If you miss a class or a run, who cares?
If you have a take-away, a glass of wine and a slice of cake, it's no big deal.
2. Don't bother buying loads of matching gear.
I've read this so many times and it makes me laugh everytime I read it!Buying a whole set of matching gear to start running, or going to the gym, is a total waste of time and money.
In fact it can make you feel self conscious and a bit "silly".
Stick to the essentials (like buying trainers) and make do with what you already own.
I went to my first yoga class in my old dog walking joggers and a t-shirt. No one even glanced in my direction.
I felt comfortable, which gave me the freedom to enjoy the class.
You can always treat yourself to bits and bobs as you get better and more dedicated your exercise routine.
After a while you will find out what you really need as opposed to what the retailers tell you that you need.
3. Don't expect to be good at it!
During my first yoga class I didn't have a clue what was going on, and was totally rubbish! (and I mean awful!)My arms and legs were in agony for 4 days afterwards, and the next session was no easier!
It took me a month to feel like I was getting a little better, and even now my hamstrings are still needing work.
But guess what?
It doesn't matter!
I'm bendy in certain ways and stiff as a board in others, and that's okay.
It's perfectly fine to be uncoordinated, stiff or even a bit daft looking.
Exercise doesn't need to be a competition, if you don't want it to be.
Although, if you are competitive, classes and clubs are a fantastic way to be inspired by other people's abilities and strengths, and push yourself a little bit more.
3 Definite Exercise Do's
1. Do it for YOU
It's a real cliche, but only exercise if you want to and it makes you happy.Only do it if it makes you feel good about yourself.
2. Do it with a friend (or two)
Friends are my salvation when it comes to exercise.Despite knowing that I am going to feel fantastic after going to a class I still feel like I can't be bothered to go most of the time!
{There is always housework and/or blogging to be done.}
Knowing a friend is waiting for me is HUGE motivation to get off my bum.
And, although we don't talk in the classes, just knowing we are there supporting each other gives me all the boost I need!
3. Do it for fun!
You've heard it before but exercise should be fun.If you dread it, then feel crap doing it (wishing for it to end) then it is not for you!
Never waste your life doing things you hate.
There are SO many possibilities there is bound to be something you can do that makes you smile.
I recently started going to a Bodypump class on a Saturday morning and, despite the fact it is enormously challenging, I spend the whole class either grinning or grimacing.
Afterwards I am exhausted and sore but feel so proud of myself, and my two friends that go with me.
We prove that being older, mothers, and all the other things we women have to be, we can still kick butt and have fun doing it!
What do you do to stay fit?
Please share in the comments, I would love to hear what works for you.