For the imperfect Fashion lover.

Yellow Eyeshadow (or any Bold Colour) Over 40.

Yellow Eyeshadow (or any Bold Colour) Over 40

I've always loved the look of bright and bold makeup.
Whether it's a statement lip colour, or a striking eyeshadow.
Worn well, bold makeup can look interesting and fabulously modern.

However, bold eyeshadows can seem very intimidating, especially on more mature eyes.
{We have crinkly bits to deal with, after all!}

Having said that, being 'older' is not a good enough reason for giving up on wearing bold makeup.
In fact being older is a great excuse to experiment and have fun!
With age (and experience) comes freedom and confidence.

Bold colours are surprisingly easy to wear.
All you need is to find one you love and 'ground' the bold colour with a neutral shade.

In this case the yellow is grounded with a taupe (actually an eyebrow powder but it works well) and a neutral lip.

I was going to do a video about how I got this yellow look but Lisa Eldridge does it SO much better, and so much more beautifully.

Her model is absolutely stunning.

If yellow is not your colour then you can pick any colour you like!
Just play around, and have fun.

I have included an "unflattering" side shot in full sun (below) which highlights every flaw on my face... just to show that even in 'real" life with an over 40, asymmetric face, the yellow still looks pretty cool! 😀

Do you dare to go bold, or do you play it safe?
If you play it safe, what is stopping you experimenting?
If you go BOLD, what is your colour of choice?

Please share in the comments... I love hearing your stories, thoughts and experiences!

Yellow Eyeshadow (or any Bold Colour) Over 40


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