For the imperfect Fashion lover.

Does overlining your lips REALLY work? Beauty over 40.

Does overlining your lips REALLY work? Beauty over 40.

Overlining your lips...does it look good?

Overlining the lips seems to be all over the internet at the moment.

MUAs (on youtube) are showing us how easy it is.

{Check out this video by Lisa Eldridge... she makes it look simple and beautiful!}

How does this look in real life?
How does the Insta-life-super-lips translate into real life?

See me overlining my lips (using all of the tips and tricks) in the video below...

After the (very simple) simple process of overlining this is how my lips looked...

Does overlining your lips REALLY work? Beauty over 40.

Does overlining your lips REALLY work? Beauty over 40.

Does overlining your lips REALLY work? Beauty over 40.

I felt that they looked okay if I was broadly smiling but, in reality, you can't go around grinning all day can you?

Without a smile my lips looked pretty weird.... and a bit dry.
A more glossy lipstick could be the answer but the glossier the lips the more the overlined area stands out.
I look like I might have applied my lippy in the dark.
Or, I am heading out to a fancy dress party!

Overlined lips look great in a brightly lit instant photograph.... not so great in real life.
Not a look I will be repeating.

Does overlining your lips REALLY work? Beauty over 40.

But, what do YOU think?
Please share your thoughts in the comments.

Does overlining your lips REALLY work? Beauty over 40.
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