For the imperfect Fashion lover.

Digging out the Dungarees! Spring Outfit

Khaki Jacket, dungarees and white trainers over 40! Fake Fabulous

You either love them or hate them.

Which camp are you in?

I'm definitely in the LOVE camp.

I don't care that they're not very flattering.
I don't care that they look like something a toddler should be wearing.
{Or a demon doll!}
I don't care that I look like I should be heading to a farm to muck out the pigs.
I don't care that they're not edgy, trendy or stylish.

None of that matters.

I love the way they look.

I love the way they make me feel.

Khaki Jacket, dungarees and white trainers over 40! Fake Fabulous

Dungarees don't take themselves too seriously.
Dungarees make a whimsical statement.
Dungarees make me S.M.I.L.E.

That's what dressing should be all about, shouldn't it?

Of course there are occasions where dungarees are not suitable...

  • A job interview.
  • A wedding.
  • A corporate job.

In my life these events are few and far between, so any day can be Dunga-day!

Khaki Jacket, dungarees and white trainers over 40! Fake Fabulous

DUNGAREES: Boden teens ... very old
TOP: Weekday
THERMAL (Undertop): M&S (very old and a bit bobbly! haha)
JACKET: Zara (old)
BAG: Made by me!
SHOES: Nike  

Khaki Jacket, dungarees and white trainers over 40! Fake Fabulous

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