You either love them or hate them.
Which camp are you in?
I'm definitely in the LOVE camp.
I don't care that they're not very flattering.
I don't care that they look like something a toddler should be wearing.
{Or a demon doll!}
I don't care that I look like I should be heading to a farm to muck out the pigs.
I don't care that they're not edgy, trendy or stylish.
None of that matters.
I love the way they look.
I love the way they make me feel.
Dungarees make a whimsical statement.
Dungarees make me S.M.I.L.E.
That's what dressing should be all about, shouldn't it?
Of course there are occasions where dungarees are not suitable...
- A job interview.
- A wedding.
- A corporate job.
In my life these events are few and far between, so any day can be Dunga-day!
DUNGAREES: Boden teens ... very old
TOP: Weekday
THERMAL (Undertop): M&S (very old and a bit bobbly! haha)
JACKET: Zara (old)
BAG: Made by me!