For the imperfect Fashion lover.

4 Great Reasons to be Lazy! #fakeituntilyoumakeit LINK UP

I'm happy to hold my hand up and admit that I'm a lazy person!
Being lazy is not something shameful, or even negative.
In fact, being lazy means you hold some great life skills.
Being lazy can be a good thing.

People have been miss-labelled as lazy for years.
Laziness is NOT a bad thing.
Lazy people are not stupid or slow.
The opposite is often true.
Laziness is not something to shy away from.
Being a lazy person has some amazing benefits.

4 Great Traits of a Typical Lazy Person

1. Increased Productivity

Lazy people are often the most productive.

Hang on a minute!
Lazy = Productive
Hmmm.... is that not a total contradiction?

Actually, No!

I'll explain...

Take a typical blog post as a good example.
A non-lazy person would probably spend plenty of time planning, drafting, writing and editing their work.
Maybe over the course of a day, possibly a few and maybe even longer.

A lazy person (like me!) would spend all day reading an unrelated book, sit for ten minutes waiting for inspiration to strike then work flat out to produce the work needed just before the deadline.

Minimising the time spent on the task while still producing the same end result.
Lazy people are skilled time-managers.

2. Ingenuity and Inventiveness

Lazy people can't be bothered with tedious chores/jobs/tasks that take too long.
Big jobs are a major no-no for lazy people.

So, in order to avoid big, boring and time-consuming tasks lazy people tend to find the easiest way to get a task done.
Tackling smaller jobs before they become too large.
Lazy people are great at figuring out what needs to be done and the most time-efficient way to do it.
A lazy person will always find the path of least resistance.

This philosophy applies to both professional and home life.
Spending as little time as possible on boring tasks and as long as possible doing the things you love to do.

The best example of my personal ultimate lazy behaviour was the feeding my children.
I was determined to breastfeed all of my babies for as long as they wanted it.
And not for the reasons you might think!

The motivation for my earth-mother attitude was purely practical and maybe even selfish.
I wanted the easiest life possible.

3am feeds could involve lifting a gurgling baby, standing in a freezing cold kitchen trying to comfort said baby (that now starts to scream) all while cleaning bottles, warming milk, checking the temperature, feeding, burping, cleaning up and changing nappies.
OR, 3 am feeds could involve lifting a gurgling baby and giving them breast milk whilst sitting up in a cosy bed.
No worrying about temperatures or tummy bugs.
An easy life.

As a lazy person, that decision was a no-brainer.

Weaning was the same.
I've no time (or inclination) to make different dinners for the different people in my family.
The baby and the children just got the same dinner as mum and dad (minus the seasoning, of course) mashed it up and served.

Then, as now, there are always two choices for dinner at my house.
Take it or leave it.

3. Hard Working

A lazy person doesn't want to spend ages on any tedious task so they will put in maximum effort for the shortest period of time to get the best results.

For me working out at the gym is a great example.
I want maximum results for minimum time-cost.
So today I hit the gym HARD (at half 9) for 90 minutes.
Just enough time to take things from moderate to serious, then I spent the rest of my Sunday loafing around, watching a film, catching up on a few blogs and eating!

4. Less Stressed

Lazy people don't like stress.
In order to minimise the stresses of life, lazy people tend not to be procrastinators.
Lazy people like to get a job done and out of the way, not have it hanging over them.
Why waste time bleating on about something when you can just get it sorted?

Whether this involves completing the task as a priority, then relaxing.
Or, putting the task on a back burner until just before it's deadline.

Either way, lazy people tend not to stress too much about things.

I, for example, only ever feel stress when things are outwith my control.
Especially when I'm relying on someone else to do something for me.
It's particularly hard if they like to procrastinate.
Grrrrr... Just get on with it!😜

Are you Lazy?
A Procrastinator?
Always on the go?
This post may be just a bit of fun, but I'd still love to know what makes you tick!

Last week the stunningly beautiful Sheela caught my eye with her fab post... plus her thought-provoking comment on last week's post about Jealousy... read it HERE.

Please check out Sheela's original post HERE, even if it's just to see a close up of her SHOES.
(I actually squeaked!)

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