Is your under-eye concealer letting you down?
Are you frustrated with the results?
They look amazing!
So, we copy them only to be left wondering what we are doing wrong.
Why doesn't my face look as perfect as hers?
How come she is over 40 but doesn't have a wrinkle on her face?
What's wrong with me?Don't worry, the person on the video doesn't look like that either!
Check out this video talking about "real time" filters on YouTube.... This makeup artist is one of my favourites.
Even without using a filter, or a studio lighting strip, the camera can't really pick up the reality of what I am doing.
{The reality is: I am sitting on the floor in my kitchen with my daughter's furry blanket hanging over the back of the chairs, pre-coffee (yawn)...the glamour!)
Check out these close-up shots to see how the concealer looks in real life.
Notice how cakey this powdered concealer looks?....and that shot is taken in flattering sunlight!
Imagine how bad it would look under office strip-lighting?
I realise my eye is FAR from perfect in this shot, but it looks a lot more natural and less ageing.
The problem with your concealer is an easy one.
Unrealistic 'flawless' application might be great for an Instagram photo or a fashion photograph, but it just doesn't work in real life.
Real life moves about, and sweats and gets a bit greasy, or dry.
Real life smiles and laughs and moves.
In real life, less is definitely more!
- Moisturise: Be generous with your eye-cream, only where you need it.
- Colour correct: Use whatever colour suits your needs... mine is a pinky lilac.
- Conceal: Don't go too light in colour (it's very ageing) but go light in application!
- Forget heavy powdering or 'Baking': Great for Instagram, stage makeup or editorial shoots, not so good for real life!
Are you having problems with your makeup?
Does your concealer let you down?
What do you do about it?
Please share any tips you have in the comments....I'd love to hear them!