For the imperfect Fashion lover.

Bright & Light Spring Colours when it's Wet & Cold.

Bright & Light Spring Colours when it's Wet & Cold | Orange Waterproof & Cream Jeans

It's February, and the 'New' spring colours are at the front of my mind.
I realise that spring doesn't officially start (here) until the 20th March.
But, that's far too long to wait.
My own version of spring starts now!

{Maybe I am more of a Snowdrop than an Iris?... an early bloomer 😀🌱}

Of course 'New Season' styles and colours are never really new.
They are just reinvented, and dressed up as something fresh we should all be buying into.
"Get this {insert current style/colour} or be left behind, you old frump!!"
While part of me doesn't want to be a sucker for marketing (or follow the "Baaaaaa!"of the fashion victims) there is a BIG part that lusts after new items.

We all know we are being 'played' by the slick advertising, but we gladly lap it up.
Because it's fun, and why not?
Daily life is full of a little when you can!

Each new season brings plenty of things I would like to play with.
Most of them out of my budget!
Some new.
Most reinvented.
Generally totally impractical and unnecessary, but once in a while an item catches my eye that is practical, affordable and pretty.
Or in this case, practical and cheerfully colourful.

Bright & Light Spring Colours when it's Wet & Cold | Orange Waterproof & Cream Jeans

When Bonmarche contacted me to ask if I would be interested in any of their spring looks, I was more than happy to jump on this orange jacket.
It looks spring-like and is quite lightweight, but has the bonus of being waterproof....with room for some cosy layers.

Luckily, the unpredictable Scottish weather means my layering skills are very well practised.
So I was as snug as a bug under here!

Bright & Light Spring Colours when it's Wet & Cold | Orange Waterproof & Cream Jeans

I kept the rest of my colour palette soft, muted and warm.
Using optimistic orange tones, a gentle yellow, cream and beige.
I know it sounds daft but wearing warm tones make me feel warmer....silly right?

Today was freezing... a macaroni cheese with chips kind of day!

What is your cold weather comfort food?

Bright & Light Spring Colours when it's Wet & Cold | Orange Waterproof & Cream Jeans

This casual striped top was perfect for covering my cosy under-layers, whilst still giving the illusion of lightness.
I half-tucked my scarf into the neck of the top, tying the other one with a belt.
This has 3 benefits....
  • It keeps the scarf from flapping around in the wind....or blowing away! (I once lost a vintage silk scarf to the sea)
  • It keeps the wind from blowing up my top (a belted top can be so much warmer) and down my thanks!
  • The belt gives some shape to my layers, and pulls the colour of my hair into the outfit. 

Bright & Light Spring Colours when it's Wet & Cold | Orange Waterproof & Cream Jeans

These creamy coloured jeans were just the neutral I needed.
Soft toned and grounding.
They also happened to go perfectly with my much-loved lace boots.

Lace boots in the rain?
Crazy, I know!

When I bought these boots I never once thought they would be practical.
I bought them purely for their (unusual) good looks.

BUT, it turns out that they are super-comfortable and surprisingly practical.
I can walk all day in comfort, and they never seem to get marked or dirty.

Granted, I don't go sloshing through puddles in them, but if they can escape a day trailing around Edinburgh unscathed then they must be made of tough stuff!

Bright & Light Spring Colours when it's Wet & Cold | Orange Waterproof & Cream Jeans

Today was wet and VERY windy.... the sudden gusts were making me squeal with laughter!
There is something about the wind that I love.

Do you like the wind or does it scare you?

Bright & Light Spring Colours when it's Wet & Cold | Orange Waterproof & Cream Jeans

Cosy wool gloves and my trusty old bag finished things off nicely!

What "New Season" Colours or Styles are you lusting after?
Please share in the comments...or contact me.
I love hearing from you!

ORANGE COAT: BonMarché (c/o)
Striped TOP, Cream JEANS and Yellow SCARF: BonMarché (c/o)
LACE SHOES: Clarks (found on eBay.... see them styled HERE, HERE and HERE)
BAG: Barbour (even older!.....See it HERE and HERE)
Leather and Webbing BELT: Gap
Wool GLOVES: Urban outfitters

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