For the imperfect Fashion lover.

A Nod to Mod | Khaki, yellow and Black Vinyl

Fake Fabulous | A nod to Mod | Oversized Khaki jacket, yellow t-shirt dress, Black vinyl leggings, Tobacco peep-toe booties, over 40.

Today I was inspired to embrace my "Lego Hair" (see the first stage of my grow-out, here) and go for a mod-inspired look.
My husband joked that I looked a little bit like Paul Weller.
He did make me laugh...

I wanted to wear my vinyl leggings again (it has been a while, see them here) and thought they would be the perfect piece to transition this yellow dress into the Autumn months.

{See this yellow dress, here}

Fake Fabulous | A nod to Mod | Oversized Khaki jacket, yellow t-shirt dress, Black vinyl leggings, Tobacco peep-toe booties, over 40.

Yellow and Black are often thought of as a fashion no-no.
Something about looking like a wasp?
Or, a hazard sign??

But, I like the look of the two colours together... and that's all that really matters, isn't it?

These vinyl leggings are quite a statement, for sure, but adding a simple T-shirt dress and an oversized jacket really softens the look down.

Fake Fabulous | A nod to Mod | Oversized Khaki jacket, yellow t-shirt dress, Black vinyl leggings, Tobacco peep-toe booties, over 40.

Adding this green necklace, a star pin and a soft silk scarf, toned things down even more.

Fake Fabulous | A nod to Mod | Oversized Khaki jacket, yellow t-shirt dress, Black vinyl leggings, Tobacco peep-toe booties, over 40.

Scotch-coloured leather shoes, and patent vinyl leggings, is a combination I love.
The colours in my scarf helped make this combination seem more deliberate.
Grey toes finished the look off perfectly.

This outfit got me thinking about making things work in your favour, even when they are not ideal.
Whether a style you want to wear is not 'in fashion'.
Or, your colour choices are not a 'classic colour combination'... or a popular one.
Whether your outfit consists of a tricky item that you love (like vinyl).
Or, (in my case) your hair is letting you down.

Sometimes we just have to go for it!
Dress up, and make it work...
{Even if we are reminding our husbands of a 58 year old man, with a mullet!! :oP}

Would you wear yellow and black together?
What about Vinyl?

Please share in the comments, or contact me.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on this colour combination!

Fake Fabulous | A nod to Mod | Oversized Khaki jacket, yellow t-shirt dress, Black vinyl leggings, Tobacco peep-toe booties, over 40.

JACKET: Zara (found in a Charity shop for £2!)...this one is almost the same.
SHOES: c/o JD Williams (see that post HERE)...they are half price now!
NAILS: BarryM, Chai.
LEGGINGS: Pamela Mann
T-SHIRT DRESS: Finery...this one is funky.
BAG: Clarks..this one is almost identical.
SCARF: A gift (this one is pretty)
STAR: Part of a set from H&M (this one is pretty)


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