For the imperfect Fashion lover.

False eyelashes, over 40 | Where have my lashes gone?

False eyelashes, are they easy to wear?

Can we wear them, over 40, without looking like a clown?

It has come to my attention (thank you blogging photos) that I no longer have any eyelashes.

Okay, this might be slightly melodramatic but, my once long and lush lashes are now short and (quite frankly) a bit pathetic.

Sometimes they look alright,  with lashings of blue mascara for example (see the original post here).

Blue Mascara | Fake Fabulous

Or made-up for a wedding (see the full post, here).

Orange lips and red hair

Unfortunately, at other times, they look quite tragic....

Like looks like I have plucked them all out! (see the original post, here).

What can I do?
The obvious choice is to try False-Eyelashes.
They must be popular for a reason.

BUT, I have never used false eyelashes before and, too be honest, I am a little bit scared of them!
My main "issues" are:
  • Are they not just for teenagers, clubbers, celebrities and people on the TV?
  • Will I look mildly ridiculous and a little bit too much like Coco the Clown or someone auditioning for Strictly come dancing?
  • They will probably irritate my eyes and be uncomfortable to wear.
  • They could fall off, or be left hanging in a comedy style.
  • They will probably be really painful to take off.
  • I don't want to look too fake or like a pantomime dame.
Is it too much hassle?

To be honest, after looking at the "plucked out lashes" photograph, I decided, hassle or not, it was time to bite the bullet and take action.

I bought some false eyelashes from my local chemist and got to work...

Apologies to anyone who has just eaten but here is a photograph of my eye and brow area, freshly washed, and untouched by makeup.
Look at those poor lashes!

The application of the false eyelashes was surprisingly easy:
  • Snip them to size.
  • Apply glue along the edge (Note: The glue is latex based, so if you have a latex allergy avoid them).
  • Wait 20 seconds.
  • Press in place.
And, despite my reservations, they were easy to remove too...What was I worried about?

So, here I am after applying the false eyelashes (and the rest of my makeup).
I think they look quite natural and not too OTT.
Well, nobody handed me a red nose and a pair of giant trousers, anyway!

Makeup over 40 |Fake fabulous

My only problem was that you can 'feel them' on your lids, but perhaps this is something you get used to?
Mine were Cheap ones (only £4.99) but this still seems quite pricey, and some of the high-end lashes are quite expensive.
They are reusable but still so easy to lose, one of these became attached to my cardigan and mangled after removal.
If you were applying them daily, it could become a very expensive habit.

I am not sure if I would bother will them everyday.
I have, however, decided to give them another go next time I have a night out, or a special occasion, because I do really like the way that they look.

They are easy to apply and easy to get hold of..

Wow! I did not realise there were so many different types from the 'natural look' to the full on party lashes. There are even websites that sell nothing but false eyelashes.
It must be big business.

What do you think of False eyelashes?

Are you a regular user? Or, are they not for you?

Please let me know your thoughts...especially if you have any favourite brands or tips and tricks!

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