New Year.
New Decade.
New Attitude.
You may have noticed that it's been a LONG time since I shared any affiliate links here at Fake Fabulous.
They've been absent for quite a while.
No "Shop the Look" section.
Hardly any clickable links to the products I've worn.
In fact, most of my outfits have been full of charity shopped pieces or old bits and bobs I've had for aeons!
You may be wondering what's going on?
BTW: If you're not sure what an affiliate link is, it's really simple...
An affiliate link is a clickable link that takes you through to buy an item you see within a blogpost.
A blogger will share an item with you (E.g Cream Trousers) and if you click on the link it will take you to them (or a similar item).
Clicking on the link doesn't cost you anything BUT it does earn the blogger (or website) you're visiting a small commission.
As the pennies pile up you can earn a decent amount of cash.
It's not to be sniffed at!
For busy websites and big bloggers, it's a great money-making venture.
Easy peasy to set up and convenient for both the blogger (promoting the items) and the reader (who wants the items).
Brilliant all round.
I've stopped using them.
You may think this sounds a bit stupid (on my part) and you'd not be far wrong!
Why would I possibly want to abandon something that makes me easy money?
Yes, it is easy money... I can't deny it.
Affiliate links don't fit comfortably into the ethos of my blog any more.
I'm finding myself using (and styling) more and more second-hand or 'old' pieces and I hope to inspire people to re-wear and re-use items they already have in their wardrobes.
In the future, I hope to focus more on the "Make it Your Own" section in my outfit posts and try to save us all a bit of money!
(I'm also planning on doing more beauty posts... honest reviews of products with no pressure from the brand to say "nice" things about them!)
Now is the part where I'll sound like a bit of a hypocrite...
I'm not going to stop clicking through affiliate links if they're on a blogger's page that I follow (and love) and the item is something I need (either for myself or as a gift).
I'm always going to do my best to support my favourite bloggers because I (selfishly) don't want them to stop blogging in order to make money elsewhere!
Bloggers provide us with amazing content for FREE (I think people often forget that).
PLUS, I have no problem at all with other people promoting and using affiliate links.
Many bloggers are making their living this way (as well as other ways) and fair play to them.
Having said all of this I may (in the future) include the occasional affiliate link for your (and my) convenience.
For example:
If I find a fantastic item or brand that I feel I need to share with you and affiliate links are available, I will use them.
But for now, I'm (hopefully) doing my small part to reduce the overconsumption of modern life.
We all could do with shopping a little less and falling back in love with the clothes we already own.
I'd love to know your views on this subject.
Do you love the convenience of an affiliate link?
Would you rather be able to buy the actual items worn by an influencer?
Or, do you enjoy the challenge of recreating looks using your own pieces and a bit of imagination?
(Confession time... I'm a sucker for buying the ACTUAL piece and need to keep a lid on my compulsions!)
I'd love to hear what you think!