Today I'm re-styling my summer slip dress into a cosy autumn outfit.
Slip dresses were HUGE this summer, weren't they?
Having just said that, I realise that didn't see many people wearing them IRL where I live, BUT they were all over the internet and I know they were popular with my eldest daughter and her friends (20-something city slickers!).
I love my slip dress and I wore it loads over the summer (despite those slip dress issues!) but it feels so much easier to wear with some autumn layers.
I thought so!
Layering up seems to make the dress more flattering and more comfortable to wear.
It's medium weight wool and feels like a very classic cut and colour.
Adding a studded belt gives the outfit some textural interest and helped give my body some shape and definition.
Simple opaques and patent chunky boots finished things off nicely.
This slip dress/cosy jumper combination is my favourite outfit of the season so far!
So comfortable and practical but it still feels chic and modern.
As I've said before the great thing about adding a jumper over the slip dress is that it solves all those tricky SLIP DRESS PROBLEMS... find out more HERE.
TIGHTS: Levante... old (these tights wash and wash... money well spent!)
WOOL JUMPER: Vintage (old and charity shopped!)
GREEN BAG: H&M... See it HERE.
You can swap out the grey slip dress for any other colour (or pattern) of slip dress that you own.
You could also replace the dress with a satin skirt.
Any roll-neck, polo-neck or cowl-neck jumper will work too.
If it's too warm for chunky knits where you live try a textured cotton knit for the same layered look without the heat.
You can also ditch the tights and wear some open-toes booties if your climate allows.
You can also switch out the colours for ones you love.
All black looks chic.
All cream is even more elegant.
Any colour will work, as long as you love it!
Do you have a slip dress (or skirt) that you'll be restyling this autumn?
I'd love to hear how you'll be wearing yours?