For the imperfect Fashion lover.

Summer OOTD | Shorts over 40 | Ugly Knees

Blue blazer, white slogan tee and beige shorts | Over 40 OOTD

Knees are ugly.
There, I've said it!

I know, I know.... we're all meant to be on the body positivity train...

Even the loveliest of legs and the prettiest of knees are still, well.... knees!

And that's just the young and beautiful people!

Then we hit forty and...

Oh Lordy Lord... what just happened?

Blue blazer, white slogan tee and beige shorts | Over 40 OOTD

As we get older knees become even more delightful:


I go to the gym 5 days a week (squats, lunges etc) and my knees still resemble a dropped flan.

There's no getting away from it.
Knees ain't pretty ladies!
(And gents aren't immune either.)

No amount of gym-going can beat Mother Nature and her sister... Miss Gravity.
They win.


Blue blazer, white slogan tee and beige shorts | Over 40 OOTD

Don't let your 'ugly' knees stop you wearing shorts if you want too.
In fact, don't let any part of your body stop you doing (and wearing) what you want.
Covering up your knees might seem like a safe option (especially over 40) but why the hell should we?

Give those baggy beauties some air!

Today I'm wearing neutral shorts and a slogan vest top... plus a colourful blazer!
Blazers always smarten things up just enough.

Cool ankle boots, red lips and a fun brooch made this look feel 100% me!

Blue blazer, white slogan tee and beige shorts | Over 40 OOTD

Please remember that covering up your body doesn't make it look slimmer, younger or taller.
Your body is perfectly fine the way it is.
The shape it is.
The age it is.
Embrace it.

Your thighs will look like your thighs whether you wear baggy jeans OR pop on some shorts.
If you want to get your pins out then...

Go for it!!

To make the most of your pins (whatever their shape and size ) have a look at THIS POST.

Don't hate your knees.
LOVE THEM... droopy bits, spider veins, rough patches and all.

They are doing a great job of getting you from A to B and we are ALL in the same boat when it comes to good looks (or lack of them) in that department!

Blue blazer, white slogan tee and beige shorts | Over 40 OOTD

What are your thoughts on this?
Do you LOVE your knees?
Do you get them out regardless?
Are you a knobbly-kneed lady like me?

I'd love to hear all about it!

Blue blazer, white slogan tee and beige shorts | Over 40 OOTD

SHORTS: Topshop (charity shopped)
TOP: Levis (borrowed from my daughter).
JACKET: Old  and labelless (I can't remember where it came from)
BOOTS: Old too... Charity shopped probably!
BROOCH: Charity shopped.
EARRINGS: New look (£1 bargain bucket)
BAG: Bogner (a gift...and also old!)
SILK SCARF: Charity shopped for 50p!

Blue blazer, white slogan tee and beige shorts | Over 40 OOTD

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