For the imperfect Fashion lover.

Sunday Introspective | #fakeituntilyoumakeit LINK UP!

Last week the #fakeituntilyoumakeit link up returned to the sound of rapturous applause...
The internet went into meltdown.
People took to the streets!

Okay, you've got me.
The rapturous applause was me having a mini-celebration that I'd managed to sort it all out and go live before I was due to go out.
The internet meltdown was the broadband on a go-slow.
The 'people' taking to the streets was my husband and I heading outside for a cheeky cold beer and some salt and vinegar crisps.

{I might have slightly over-egged that pudding 😀}

A few people noticed.
A handful linked up.
AND... I was delighted to see them!

Oddly, I felt a mixture of disappointment and satisfaction.
The satisfaction that lovely blogger people had bothered their backsides to pop over and link up their work.
The satisfaction that I was not inundated with posts and had time to look at all of the linked posts properly.
Reading them and enjoying them.

However, I did feel a momentary pang of disappointment.
Disappointment that I was not inundated with posts that I would never have had the time to look at.

Weird isn't it?

We often yearn for things we don't really want.

Some people yearn for fame but would hate to be famous.
With fame comes responsibility.
You become public property.
A role model.
Someone who has to think before they speak (although many don't!)
Famous and anonymous?
No chance!

Some might yearn for BIG social media numbers...
"I want 5m followers on Instagram.
I want them NOW!!
Why don't I have 5m followers?
I'm insanely interesting!
Follow me immediately... if not sooner...BUT no pervs, weirdos, stalkers, trolls or nutters thanks.
No bitchy comments or negativity either...
Oh, and don't even think about bothering me if you see me in the street.
I'm far too important to talk to YOU!!"

Personally, I'm quite a private person.
I'm honest and open on my blog, and in life.
(Ask me a question and you get my opinion)
I don't share images of my personal life on social media.
I never share details about my family.
No kids.
No social life, party or event posts.
Very, VERY rarely will I share an image of me out and about.
I don't take my phone out of my bag most of the time!

How many times have you seen someone recording an event on their phone instead of sitting back and enjoying the event as it happens?
Does telling people you've had a great time mean more than simply enjoying yourself regardless of 'likes'?

I cringe when people overshare details about their lives on social.
B.M.W social over-sharers.

I hate the "Stepford" family front some people portray...
(I've got a friend to thank for that terminology!)
Perfect partner.
Perfect kids.
Perfect lifestyle.
Perfect wardrobes.
Perfect homes.
It's all a load of twaddle!

In the real world, we all know that no relationship, child, family, event, etc, etc is EVER perfect.
Anyone who says their life is perfect is a liar... or permanently tanked up on the vino!

So today I'm thinking about my less-than-perfect life.
Far from perfect in fact!
However, I'm still feeling grateful that within its web of complicated imperfections there is room for improvement AND the scope for things to go horribly wrong without notice!

Life is a complicated tangle of good, bad, boring, elating, devastating, amazing and mediocre events.
We all get to enjoy (and endure) them from time to time.
We ALL have problems, issues, worries, major-worries and challenges.
Regardless of what Stepford-internet-families might try and tell you!

So I challenge you to think of 3 simple things you are grateful for today.
Nothing HUGE like "family".
Something simple.
Small but important.
No BS.
No fantasy.

Just 3 great things that made you happy today.
I'll kick things off...
  1. It was a great drying day. My washing was on the line. It didn't rain. The sun was shining and the wind was blustery. Crispy towels are the best!
  2. I pushed myself to do a double session at the gym this morning (with my beautiful friend) and we smashed it. Oh yes! We might have crawled out at the end but that's part of the fun.
  3. I had THE most perfect cup of coffee in the sunshine this afternoon... and a delicious homemade meringue and strawberry nest... made by one of my girls. I didn't lift a finger. What could be better than that?
I'd love to hear 3 things that made you smile today.

Last week I was drawn to this fabulously fun outfit worn by Stephanie.
How fab!
I love those heart glasses and cute bag charms.

Cute, practical and fun... see the full post HERE.
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