For the imperfect Fashion lover.

Why there's NO Excuse for PJs in Public! Cosy Winter Outfit

Burgundy Jumper Dress and Vinyl Leggings | Fake Fabulous

Cue (very) boring sob story...
I've been in bed with a nasty cold for the past 3 days and it's no fun at all.

{Are those violins I hear playing?}

Feeling like a ball of pain is bad enough but the weather has been glorious and all I can think about is how I could have had some great outfit photos in the beautiful light.

{Light, or lack of it, is every blogger's obsession!}

So, I'm writing this from my bed wearing my old PJs and a scabby dressing gown.
Sitting here with a nose like Rudolf (and unbelievably dry and itchy skin, for some reason?) I look a real mess.
Which got me thinking...

The Anti-Ageing Secret Big Brands DON'T want you to Hear!

The Anti-Ageing Secret BIG brands don't want you to hear | Fake Fabulous

Please excuse the shameless click-bait title BUT I honestly couldn't think of a less sensational way to say it!

Let's start at the beginning...

We all know that beauty, and more specifically, the Anti Ageing market is BIG business.
We're all sucked into it.
Some more than others, of course, BUT it's still a part of our lives... no matter how small.

After-Work Cold Weather Party Outfit. Leopard and Sparkles!

Lurex jumper, red leopard skirt and metallic boots | Fake Fabulous

There are probably plenty of social events in your diary this month but sometimes it can be hard to figure out what to wear.

Often, a classic party dress is too impractical for the occasion.
Depending on the venue, bare legs, toes,  decolletage and arms might result in loss of limb due to frostbite!

What to Wear When your Hair is a Mess!

Purple & Pink | Colourful Winter Outfit | Fake Fabulous

Oh dear... not one bit of me is hanging the right way today!

The winter light is awful.
Dull, dingy and grey.

My skin is dehydrated and looking haggard.
And worst of all?
My hair is a MESS.

I'm waiting for my hair appointment (which is in danger of being cancelled due to the snow... please, no!) and I feel like I'm wearing a horrible little hat.

Oh, You Shouldn't Have! | Christmas Gift Ideas

50 Days of Christmas with Boots | Gift Ideas | Fake Fabulous

It's less than two weeks until Christmas and if you're now panicking (even just a little) don't worry, I've got your back!
Despite what the clever ad campaigns might be telling you, there is still plenty of time to get your gifts AND you'll probably bag some bargains while you're at it!
Forget the Black Friday rush, now is the perfect time to go shopping.

Please Vote for me and these amazing Bloggers | UK Blog Awards

It's that time of year again people...the UK Blog awards public vote!
I've got to admit that I was not planning on entering this year... let alone going begging for votes.
But here I am.
The reason is that someone nominated me (I'm not sure who but I have my suspicions) and I was so touched.

Cosy up, it's Chilly out there! Casual and Practical Winter Outfit

Chunky jumper and vinyl leggings | Warm Winter Outfit | Fake Fabulous

It's cold and frosty here in Scotland at the moment.
As the temperature drops, it becomes harder and harder to stay warm while feeling stylish.
Sometimes you just have to give up and give in to a gigantic cosy jumper!

Goodbye Autumn! Hello Winter! | 7 favourite Autumn outfits

7 favourite Autumn Outfits | Fake Fabulous

7 favourite Autumn outfits.

The beautiful golden glow of the Scottish Autumn has well and truly gone, and we are in the icy grip of Winter... and my goodness, it's yucky outside.

Drizzly and dreich.

So, as I sit indoors cosied up in my multiple layers, it's the perfect time to pick 7 of my favourite Autumn 2018 outfits.
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