For the imperfect Fashion lover.

How to Wear Difficult Clothes!

Styling baggy neon pink culottes and an aqua cashmere knit | Fake Fabulous

I'm not going to beat around the bush here...
Culottes are not just difficult, they can be HIDEOUS.

I'm not ashamed to say that I LOVE them!

{Find out the REAL reason I love to wear culottes in a moment...}

Styling baggy neon pink culottes and an aqua cashmere knit | Fake Fabulous

Culottes are one of the trickiest items to style and wear well.

They are neither one thing or the another.
Hanging around the middle of our legs at the most unflattering point.
Neither a skirt or a pair of trousers.
They're loose and flappy.
They don't hug our curves.
They don't flatter our hips.

They add bulk where very few of us want bulk to be added.
They seriously shorten legs.

In fact, they are rarely the most flattering option for anyone.
Even the young, perfect, toned, long-limbed and beautiful struggle to look their best in culottes.
There is always a more flattering option.

Most people look better (in all senses of the word) in either a skirt, shorts or trousers.
Culottes can be mean to our bodies!

Styling baggy neon pink culottes and an aqua cashmere knit | Fake Fabulous

I also MUST mention our menfolk!

Fashion-minded gents aside (lucky you if you have one of those in your life) most men just don't 'get' culottes.
They can confuse them.

What is the point?
They're stupid.
They're certainly not sexy... in ANY way!
They're one of the ultimate man-repelling items of clothing.

However, all is not lost.
Other women (with an eye for style) really appreciate a worn-well culotte.
We nod in approval in the direction of a stylish pair.
We appreciate the subtleties of chic and edgy outfit.

So, why do I love culottes SO much.... The TRUTH.

The real reason I love culottes SO much (apart from the comfort and leg covering properties) is that very few other people like to wear them.
They are all over the internet and blogging word BUT in real life I see very few pairs.
I find them unique looking and different.

In an ideal world, I would be able to afford couture and individually made genuinely unique pieces.
Back in the real world... I try to avoid mainstream shops (and the popular designs in them) and enjoy scouring charity shops and sale rails.
Culottes nearly always end up on the sale rail.
Especially in BOLD colours and abstract patterns.

Culottes feed my individual style.

So, how do you wear really hideous man-repelling clothes without looking a mess?

It's simple.
Wear your clothes without compromise.
Without a sniff of an apology.
Who cares if you're theoretically too old, too short, too heavy, too skinny, too... whatever!

If you love something 'hideous' then go for it anyway.
Hold your head up and be YOU.

There is no point in hiding when you're wearing culottes (or any other potentially dodgy fashion item).
If you love the piece, and wear it with gusto, then it will always look great!
Confidence (real or faked) is 80% of style.

Be bold.
Be brave.
Stick two fingers up to the doubters and haters.

{Find out how to fake confidence HERE and HERE}

Styling baggy neon pink culottes and an aqua cashmere knit | Fake Fabulous

Today I'm wearing a particularly hideous pair of culottes.
They're super-baggy and a bright neon coral/pink colour.

They're not flattering on my body, adding bulk at my hips and shortening my legs.
But guess what?
I don't care because I LOVE them.

The fact that they're neon makes me want to add even more colour and do a bit of clashing.

I've also made NO attempt to compensate for the shortening of my legs by adding a heel.
I'm all about the comfort today.

These gutties were the only way to go.
I know they make my feet look wider and bigger.
I know they contribute to the shortening of my legs BUT I'm okay with it.

I'm striding out with baggy neon confidence!

Styling baggy neon pink culottes and an aqua cashmere knit | Fake Fabulous

What difficult, man-repelling, hideous, awkward and potentially unflattering clothes do YOU love to wear?
Spill the style-beans!

CULOTTES: River Island... try these.
CASHMERE JUMPER: Charity shopped... try this!
BAG: French Connection... this one is nice.
TRAINERS: Puma... these are gorgeous!
NECKLACE: Tatty Devine... this is fabulous.


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