Disclaimer: If you're any of the following, you may want to move on and read another post...
- Squeamish and easily offended.
- Get embarrassed talking about the female body, ageing, birth.... etc.
Please click away immediately, you certainly won't want to read any more!
However, if you're interested/curious about what could happen to your undercarriage then please continue reading...
Okay, I have to start with a confession.
Despite the sensational title, my pelvic floor is not exactly in tatters.
{Although, I would forgive it if it was because it's been in some serious battles over the years.
"Pelvic Floor V Birthing BIG babies"... Babies win every time!
Any mums will know exactly what I'm talking about.}
My pelvic floor has, however, seen better days and I have been known to feel like I REALLY need to pee NOW, especially during hay fever season or when I'm suffering from a bad cold.
Atishoo.... oops!
I used to blame being a mum, but being pregnant/childbirth does not automatically mean you will be crossing your legs every time you cough.
Neither is it inevitable you're going to be peeing yourself as you get older.
Leaking urine is NOT normal at any age.
It's time we all stopped being embarrassed, feeling judged or ashamed, and just got on with chatting about it.
Goodness knows we women talk openly about MOST things don't we?
Why not this issue?
I'll make a start...
Things that can adversely affect the pelvic floor... {i.e. when pelvic floors go bad!}:
- Not exercising/working the pelvic floor... I used to be guilty of this!
- Over-exercising in general.
- Being pregnant and childbirth. Especially traumatic births with intervention. (Been there, done that, have the stitches.)
- Chronic constipation, or regularly straining the bowls.
- Being overweight with a BMI over 25.
- Lifting heavy weights, either at work or in the gym.
- Chronic conditions involving coughing/sneezing.
- Pelvic injury.
- Certain medications.
- Some neurological conditions like MS or Parkinson's.
Pelvic floor issues are not a normal 'part of getting older', inevitable or trivial and they should never be ignored.
Make sure you consult your doctor if you have any of the following symptoms:
- Constantly needing the toilet.
- Feeling like you can't empty your bladder/bowls properly.
- Uncontrolled passing of wind, or opening of the bladder/bowel (with no warning).
- A heavy/dragging/pulling sensation in the vagina.
- Pain during sex.
- Pain in the pelvic area.
What you can do to improve things 'downstairs':
- Try and lose some weight, if you know you're carrying more than you should.
- Assess your exercise routine and make adjustments if you're doing too much.
- Sort out your diet, eat more fibre and vegetables, drink more water... blah blah blah, you know the score. It's the usual story.
- Do some pelvic floor exercises. You can find instructions online or, you could try the Elvie pelvic floor trainer. (You can use the code IWANTELVIE for 20% off.)
I'm also going to tentatively say my pelvic floor is improving.
Disclosure: This post is NOT SPONSORED.
I was gifted an Elvie trainer BUT I made sure that I was under no obligation to mention it here at Fake Fabulous. I said it was at my discretion and I was not entirely convinced (I tend not to believe marketing, hype or glamourous endorsements).
I was, nevertheless, curious to find out more.
There is no sponsorship here and I made it clear to the company that I would only mention the Elvie if I liked it!
{Image from Elvie.com}
I had to laugh at this!
Fun is not a word I would use when it comes to exercising the pelvic floor BUT it is certainly more 'fun' than standing squeezing while brushing your teeth.
There is a simple app that takes you through some games and tracks your progress.
The app also sends you daily reminders. Which is very handy if (like me) you tend to forget to do the little things!
The other thing I like is the fact the device looks nothing like a pelvic floor trainer... whatever that is supposed to look like!
The Elvie is contained within a sleek box (which doubles up as it's charging unit) and looks just like a portable charger for a phone.
Completely discrete and chic!
I've been so impressed with it.
I'd love it if you had a comment to make on the subject of this post.
We just don't talk about our pelvic floors enough... especially as it affects 1 in3 of us!
That is a big number to be brushed under the carpet.
Whether you'd like to share your personal story or some advice for others.
Please leave a comment below...
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Id love to hear your thoughts.