For the imperfect Fashion lover.

How to Wear a Hat | Flat Cap & a Chunky Knit, over 40.

 A Flat Cap and a Chunky Jumper, over 40 | Fake Fabulous

Hats are everywhere this season.
In every shop.
At every price point.
In every style.

There is no denying that hats can be very tricky to wear.
No matter what style you choose.

Buying a hat is the easy part.

Wearing your new purchase?
Not so simple!

How many of those high street fedoras, flat caps, trilbys and cloches do you see being worn?
Where do all of these hats go?

Are they donated to charity?
Or, are they lying abandoned in wardrobes and drawers.
Unworn and unloved.
It's such a shame!

That hat, that seemed cool and funky in the retail environment, can leave you feeling self-conscious and awkward in real life.

A Flat Cap and a Chunky Jumper, over 40 | Fake Fabulous

How to wear a Hat in real life.

Pick a style you love!

Worrying that a hat suits you, or not, is pointless.
If you love the style of a hat then wear it.
The fact you love it is enough to make it suit you.
As my middle girls said to me once...
"If you believe it will work then it magically does!"
{see that post HERE}

Unless you are a perfectly proportioned model you will have an asymmetric face.
One eye is always bigger than the other.
Maybe one side is droopier?
Maybe you have a large nose?
Or, a pointy chin?

Well, guess what?
You are not alone!
We are all imperfect, and a little uneven.
Don't miss out on enjoying fashion because of your flaws.
Join the imperfect club, and have fun!

Make sure it fits.

Fit is essential.
Too big, and it is sliding down and flopping around your ears.
Too small, and you end up with a headache...and a silly mark on your forehead!
Spend time finding a hat that fits.

I have a BIG head and can't usually find a ladies hat to fit me.
All but one of my hats was from a gents department.
Shop around and keep an open mind.
Don't dismiss menswear, or the children's section.

Pick a colour that suits you.

Wearing a hat is challenging enough without having to contend with a colour that doesn't suit you.
Find a colour you love and it will probably flatter your complexion.
Your instinct is usually right!
If the colour of your hat suits you then you are more likely to enjoy wearing it.

If the colour is not quite right a trim, or band, can help.
I have a black trilby (not a colour I suit) that is saved by it's purple and red trim... see it here.

Think about your Jacket/Coat.

Sometimes the style of a jacket (or coat) can clash and jar with your hat style.
Think about the colour and cut of your coat.
A pea coat, reefer, wool blazer or trench work well with most hat styles.
Having said that, you can wear whatever you want as long as you do it with confidence!

Make an effort with makeup.

Wearing a hat casts a shadow onto you face, which can be very unflattering.
The shadow can highlight dark circles, fine lines and bags.
A little under-eye concealer works wonders.

{A bright lip is always a good idea too!}

Wear it with confidence!

Hats NEED confidence.
There is no point in wearing yours half-heartedly, or apologetically.
If you are going to wear your new hat do it with gusto!

A Flat Cap and a Chunky Jumper, over 40 | Fake Fabulous

This flat cap is my new favourite hat!

I bought it with the intention of giving it to my son, but I fell in love with the colour... and the look!
It reminds me of my beloved Grandpa, and makes me smile.

Flat caps are surprisingly versatile hats, and I have worn this one every day since I bought it.
Today I am styling it with an oversized chunky knit, and a wool skirt.

This outfit is part feminine, part masculine.
The jumper (last styled HERE) is so cosy and easy to wear.
It has a satisfyingly masculine feel to it.
The wool skirt is quite prim and proper, adding back some femininity.

Wool tights were essential for warmth, but I didn't want to go too lady-like, so my chunky ankle boots came out to play!

A Flat Cap and a Chunky Jumper, over 40 | Fake Fabulous

A checked tote bag, and a couple of fun pom poms, finished things off nicely!

A Flat Cap and a Chunky Jumper, over 40 | Fake Fabulous

Do you like to wear hats?
If not, why not?

What style is your favourite (on yourself or others)?

Please share in the comments.
I love to hear from you!

JUMPER: Redoute (similar)
BLOUSE: Charity shop (similar)
SKIRT: Boden (similar)
HAT: TkMax (similar)
BAG: Chaps (this one is cool)
EARRINGS: H&M (these are beautiful!)
GLOVES: Dents (similar)

A Flat Cap and a Chunky Jumper, over 40 | Fake Fabulous


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