You have a wardrobe full of clothes BUT nothing fits.
Not one item looks nice.
Everything is hideous.
You might be feeling low, puffy, bloated and generally disgusting.
Your favourite dress looks like a bin liner
Your sexy jeans are far from sexy.
It must be time to curl up on the sofa, with a consolatory bowl of ice-cream.
But, unfortunately, you have to go out tonight and there is no wriggling out of it.
Let me make a small confession here....
For the past two weeks I have been lazy beyond belief.
I have eaten no less than five greasy takeaway dinners (yuck)!
Scoffed sweeties (Percy pigs) and large bars of chocolate (salted caramel, raspberry, coffee bean and almond... and more!)
Ate cake(s).
Drank wine.
Gorged on family packs of crisps, while watching makeup videos (and endless film clips) on Youtube.
Not a single piece of fruit has passed my lips.
All of this disgusting behaviour has resulted in a puffy morning-face, spots and a delightful muffin top.
(Hence, my 'sexy' jeans are no longer sexy!)
I am hardly a poster-girl for the clean living 40+ female.
I am determined to put right what has gone wrong, soon...starting tomorrow maybe?
Tonight, however, I have to go out.
I have a glass of prosecco in my hand, and the wardrobe doors open.
Half of the contents are lying on my bed.
There is nothing (at all) that I want to wear.
Nothing is right.
Everything looks awful.
I start to think of excuses that could sound feasible for not going....
Pathetic really.
I need to pull myself together and rustle something up.
{Maybe black jeans and a black top would work?}
Then, I start to think about my previous posts about dressing up when you feel down.
This one here, about what to wear when you feel rubbish.
Or this one, and this one about battling with the bloat.
The best way to give yourself a kick in the rear, is to reach for some colour.
BUT quickly realise that it is far too low at the front.
My bra is hanging out (yuck) and the neckline looks very unflattering.
This is so annoying...
I now have nothing left.
Hang on a minute!
What if I turn this top around, and make the cowl neck into a draping cowl back?
Could that work?
In fact, I like the look of this top much more the "wrong" way round.
The rest of my outfit then fell together really easily.
I wore my silk, satin, pyjama-style trousers.
{Only because they are loose, comfortable and so easy to wear... see them styled here and here}
The patterns distracts the eye and the waistband is loose, so there is room for my muffin top.
Luckily this back-to-front top looks better untucked, anyway.
I even decided to go all matchy-matchy and wear my blue suede heels.
These shoes are the perfect fit, and I had forgotten how much I love them.
Happy feet = Happy face!
My red bag picked up some of the detail on the trousers, and a silk sash (secured with a fun brooch) gave the fake neckline more structure and interest.
A bright red lip finished things off perfectly!
Nothing beats a bright pout for that boost of confidence.
Over to you...
Do you ever feel like you have nothing to wear?
How do you get over the urge to curl up on the sofa with a packet of crisps?
Please share your tips for faking feeling great, in the comments...or contact me.
I love hearing from you!
TROUSERS: Topshop (these ones are pretty)
TOP: Unknown...I got it in a charity shop for £1... this one is nice.
BAG: Tkmaxx (this one is much cooler!)
BROOCH: H&M (this one is cool)
SCARF: A belt from a tunic dress (similar)
SHOES: Nine West (similar..similar)
LIPS: Kiko