For the imperfect Fashion lover.

Wearing bright colours with confidence | Blue coat and Pink tights.

How to wear bright colours with confidence.

Are you keen to experiment with colour and wear something a little brighter, but are not sure where to start?
Wearing bright colours can be can be intimidating, especially if you are used to a darker or more muted palette.
Bright colours can also be difficult to find in Autumn and Winter.
Most of the bright clothes are in the children's section or in the form of evening wear.
Even then, the tones seem to be muted.

When you do find those bright colours in the shops, sometimes the quality is disappointing or the styles are not quite right.
People are buying them though, and I wonder what happens to these items.
They don't seem to make their way into real life and onto the streets.
Where do all of these bright clothes go?
Are they lurking in wardrobes, unloved and unworn?
Have they been bought during a carefree shopping trip only to be regretted and shamefully stuffed into the back of a drawer destined for donation to charity?

When I head out to work, I am lost in a sea of dark coats and black handbags.
Black, Dark brown and Charcoal grey are all great colours to wear, BUT, is winter not dark and gloomy enough?

Wearing bright colours | Cobalt and pink | Fake fabulous

So, you WANT to wear some colour but where do you begin?

There is (of course) rule after rule telling us what we should and shouldn't be doing when it comes to wearing colour.
You may have realised by now, that rules are not something I like very much.
Especially when someone is telling me how I should or shouldn't be dressing.
So forget the rule book...

But, hang on! I don't know where to start!

Start by sitting comfortably...

Buy a high fashion magazine and look at the editorial photographs.
Forget about the clothes themselves (most are in fantasy-budget-land and are totally impractical for a real life) but you can focus on the beautiful colours, the mixing of different tones and the glorious textures in the images.
These photographs are art, and are selling a mood or a feeling.
It sounds a bit daft but, some of the high fashion images can strike a chord and be very inspiring!

Next, get out and about...

Go into one of the larger "trendy" stores and wander around.
If you can't physically get there, go online and browse (although this is more tricky).
Forget about specific styles and shapes, just look at colours and textures. 
If you are in the shop, note what colours are put together on the rails, mannequins or wall display.
How are they grouped? Are the colour mixes unexpected?
If you like a colour (or a mix of colours) make a note of it. 
Even better, take a photo on your phone.

Don't be influenced by the style or the demographic of the customers in the shop, just focus on colours and don't over think. 
Go with your gut feeling!

Try doing the same at a makeup counter.
Forget the shabby shelves in the chemist, go to the big ones in the department stores.
The ones with all of the coloured eyeshadows and rows of juicy nail colours. 
Bobbi Brown and Mac are great for this.
Look through the colours.
Do any catch your eye? Are you swooning over the bright pink or emerald green?
Don't think of them as eyeshadows that you have to wear, just enjoy the colours themselves.

Get your thinking cap on...

Go and grab a coffee (or tea), sit down, and have a look at your choices.
Is there a theme?
Do any of your instinctive 'picks' go beautifully together? I bet they do!
Trust yourself.

Okay, so I like bright green and neon pink, what do I do now?

Now comes the hard part...

Take the plunge and go and buy something in one of your "new" colours. 
Many people suggest buying an accessory to start with.
But, what if you are not a scarf person? Or a statement necklace wearer?
I suggest you buy something in a shape, and style, you are familiar and comfortable with.
What is your go-to item? 
Try buying a version of that in your new hue.

I am going against the rule book here, again...

Don't buy something 'cheap and cheerful' just to try it.
Something cheap is never a pleasure to wear and, if you are going to be trying something totally new, comfort and confidence is crucial!
Also, a cheap fabric looks even cheaper when it is in a bright colour.
You are going to feel rubbish before you even start.

Try some of the stores that make classic items in a rainbow of colours.
Here are some links to colourful knitwear...

Treat yourself to a new nail colour. It will add a 'pop" to your new look, and is guaranteed to attract compliments.

But, I'm not sure this colour I have picked suits me!

Of course there are experts who will tell you not to wear a certain colours because they are not in your "season".
I have to agree that some colours can make some people look amazing (healthy and fresh) or ghastly (ill and tired) but....

If you really like a colour, wear it!

Okay, so it might not officially be "your colour" but chances are if you are drawn to it, it will be!
We have an inbuilt ability to do the right thing.
Trust yourself.

If that bright purple eyeshadow made you gasp and smile, then it is the colour for you!
Have confidence in your choices.

Should I wear bright colours away from my face?

I have seen it suggested that if a colour does not suit you, you should wear it in the form of trousers or a skirt.
I have to disagree.
If you are new to bright colours then a pair of hot pink trousers or a lime green skirt could be a step too far!

Make sure you are wearing your usual makeup before trying the colour near your face.
Sometimes we make the mistake of trying things on with undone hair and nothing on our faces (usually online purchases that arrive in the post)...slipping off the PJ's to try on a brand new colour is not a good idea.

You could always wear a chunky necklace or a scarf {if that is your style} in a neutral tone to "protect" your face from a direct hit of colour (See how I wore a statement necklace to do that HERE).

But, remember that black is one of the hardest colours to wear near the face.
Very few people actually suit it. 
So chances are your new colour will look better anyway!

NEVER apologise for your style choices:

If someone comments and compliments you on your new colourful look, just say, 
"Thank you very much!"
 Avoid the temptation to explain yourself,
"Oh, Do you think? I was just trying something new....silly really, I'm not sure it is me."  
If you are unlucky enough to receive a back-handed compliment or an all-out bitchy comment, don't be deflated!

A common one is;
"What is this we are getting today, then?"
And, my personal favourite;
"Auditioning for a Pantomime, are we?"
I just laugh....

Always take these types of comments as a compliment.
That person obviously wishes they had the confidence to do what you are doing.

Confident and Happy people don't need to put others down.

Wearing bright colours | Cobalt and pink | Fake fabulous

My colourful outfit today started with my new blue coat.
I am delighted to tell you that it was a whopping £1.20 from Ebay.

I was worried it would be old, tatty and a bit foosty.
{Ebay purchases can be a bit of a hit or a miss}
BUT, it looks brand new and appears to be unworn.
Not to mention the perfect fit!
The colour is a slap in the face on a gloomy day
{although the sun was shining for these photographs].

I could not resist pairing it with this colourful silk dress and bright pink tights (last seen HERE in summer with a navy mini).
I am wearing a teal cashmere jumper under this dress (you can see it HERE in a really early post).
I needed an extra layer for warmth.
I was going to take off my coat to show you but...Brrrrrr, it was too cold!!
My oxblood boots were the perfect partner, for me anyway.
They are so comfortable and added some shine to the look.
Purple leather gloves and this chunky necklace finished things off nicely.

The necklace is just a cheap one, but I think it will work really well with a lot of items in my wardrobe....Maybe becoming my go-to necklace this Winter?
See another 'Hero" necklace working for me, Here, Here and Here.

Wearing bright colours | Statement Necklace | Fake fabulous

How do you feel about colour?
Do you love it ? Or, does it scare you a little?
Let me know what you think.And, please share any tips you have, for wearing colour, in the comments.
I love to read them!

You can tweet me @samantha4blair if you prefer.

Wearing bright colours | Cobalt and pink | Fake fabulous

Coat : Windsmoor (from Ebay), This one is similar....This one is beautiful!
Dress: Warehouse (from a Charity shop)...this one is very nice....this one is stunning, and a longer length
Tights: Gipsy 100 (these are beautiful)
Boots: Redoute (Money off them too!)
Gloves: Old (similar)
Necklace: H&M (I can't find it online, maybe it is just in-store?) This one is cool though!

Shop the look:

Like this post? You might also like this one about being braver with colour and stepping away from those boring black trousers.
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