For the imperfect Fashion lover.

How to wear pyjama trousers, over 40. Sloppy or effortlessly stylish?

Pyjama trousers, Stylish or sloppy?

How to wear pyjama trousers, casually, over 40.

Clarks originals lace desert boots.
Today I am giving pyjama trousers a try. 
I see these everywhere (on other people) but I still feel like they are way out of my comfort zone and can look a little lazy.
Am I being too hard on them?

I felt a little odd putting them on. 
They are very lightweight and unlined....Can I really venture outside in these over 40+?? 
Then, I had to give myself a shake..what am I talking about?! 
We can do anything we want at any age!

The trousers themselves feel great. They are VERY soft and silk-like in texture with a nice satin finish but the only thing elevating them out of the nightwear category is the zip and button fastening, everything else screams "Time to sleep!".
I am determined because I want to love them. They are supremely comfortable after all!

I didn't want to go down the heels and a smart fitted top route (I have seen that in every shop selling them) so I decided to style them casually.

These trousers are from Topshop and are quite patterned, with writing detail on them, so I toned them down a little with cream lace footwear and a super-sloppy jumper. My obligatory scarf and bag were picking out the black and red detail on the trousers (the bag has a red lining which peeps out when you walk).

I have to say that I loved wearing them.
Cool, comfortable and fun.
They also gave plenty of people the opportunity to say "So, you decided not to bother getting dressed today then?" very funny!

A thumbs up from me, but how do you feel?
Would you? Do you? How do you wear yours?

Trousers: Topshop
Jumper: Old and unknown
Leather Bag: Clarks
Desert boots: Clarks (again)...I LOVE these! so comfortable and cute.
Scarf: Charity shop
Earrings: Asda
Watch: Swatch

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