For the imperfect Fashion lover.

Why I've Stopped Hosting a Blog Link Up... the Truth!

If you're a regular reader you may (or may not!) have noticed that I haven't been running my weekly link-up recently.
In fact, it's been a few weeks since I shared the link-up and yesterday I cancelled it.

I wanted to give you the reasons for my decision.
The whole truth!

I originally started the link-up with the hope of finding new blogs and new bloggers, which (to some extent) I have.
The link-up has helped me find some new blogs to enjoy... BUT the honest truth is that it's no different to doing an online search for the topics I want to read about.

Much as I have LOVED reading your posts and having a good look at what you've been up to on your blogs, one small thing has been bothering me.

It's the fact that I go and have a look at your blogs and posts ANYWAY.
(I know that I rarely comment... it's mostly a time issue, or simply that I'm tired and have nothing to say that is worth reading, but I do love looking and reading and having a rummage through your work.)

So, the 'discovering new blogs and new things to read' has fallen a bit flat.

Then there's the automatic link dropping.

I'm not a fan.
I want someone to WANT to visit Fake Fabulous not just leave their links on a link up without even visiting my site.

I know it makes the 'numbers' look good but I'm not really bothered about figures anymore.

{Numbers did bother me when I started blogging but as time goes on I care less and less...
Of course, BIG numbers are always great to see but they're not the be-all and end-all of blogging.}

BUT, the main reason I am stopping my link up is that it holds me into a blogging routine.

Routine is NOT why I blog.
I come to my blog to escape the enforced routines of real life.

If my blog was my main job then I would, of course, be more regimented with time allocated to different tasks.
Routines would have to be laid in place and an organised approach to my blogging would be essential.

BUT... my normal day-to-day life is SO regimented and organised I just can't face it when it comes to my blogging.

I work in a clinical chemistry laboratory and everything is done by the book.
There is no room for individuality in a laboratory!

On top of that, I have a family to organise according to their timetables and routines.
My blog is my only escape from the pressures of life.

The weekly link up was starting to feel like an obligation.
A routine that I had to stick to.
A chore.

Blogging shouldn't be a chore.

I know that having a regular link up and a regular blogging schedule makes regular readers happy and encourages new readers.
I know it's the right thing to do to become a successful blogger.

But I know I'll NEVER make it big as a blogger... see why HERE.

So what I really want is my blog to be my safe place.
My sanctuary from the pressures of life.
A place where I share my ideas and thoughts... according to my own timeframe!

That's why I say "NO thank you" to most offers of collaboration...

Find out how to say no politely HERE.

When my blog starts to be a place I feel I "Need to write a post today" then it's over for me.
When you start to feel like you can't trust me then it's over too.
(Find out if you can EVER really trust a blogger HERE)

If you were enjoying the link up then I am truly sorry to let you down but you know there are MANY more fabulous linkies out there that you can join.

I would love to hear about your blogging journey and your attitude to blogging?
Are you hoping to make it big?
Is your goal to give up your day job?
Have you done that already?
Do you plan to make your fortune?

Or, is your blog your creative outlet?
Your place to share your ideas?
Your 'happy' place?

Please let me know what YOU think!
I'd love to hear.

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