For the imperfect Fashion lover.

Dots, Spots and Comfortable Shoes!

Blue Fit and Flare Dress, Spotty Tights and Mary Janes | Fake Fabulous

Today the snow is coming down heavier than I've seen it in a long time (we have a Red Met Office weather warning which has never been seen here before) so I'm cosied up in layers of wool and sharing an outfit from last weekend.
No snow in these photos but it was still bitterly cold!
My big coat is just out of shot, and I'm gritting my teeth against the chill.

This outfit has so many layers under it that I'm almost a dress size thicker, although my bare wrists are still not happy.
My feet, on the other hand, are grinning from pinky to biggy.
Happy toes!

It's not My Style but You Might Like it! #fakeituntilyoumakeit LINK UP

Pink Embroidered Maxi dress in Winter | Fake Fabulous

First world problems, eh?
A blogger getting sent something that is not to their taste.
You may be thinking...
"Awww Didumns. My heart bleeds for you. Just send it back and stop moaning!"
I would normally agree and do just that!

However, this time I started to think about how many times we shop online and buy things that turn out nothing like what we were expecting.
How many times have you not bothered to send something back that didn't suit?
I'm certainly guilty of that!

Maybe that not-quite-right item is banished to the back of your wardrobe waiting for that elusive "one day"?

So today is the day I'm wearing a dusky pink maxi dress that's not my style at all!


Burgundy, Cream & Orange | The Perfect Neutral

Burgundy Pinafore Jumpsuit, Orange Polo Neck & a Cosy Cardigan | Fake Fabulous

What colours are you loving to wear at the moment?
I just can't seem to get enough burgundy, despite the fact that it's neither "on trend" or a colour that is supposed to suit me.
{See my burgundy legs and blouse HERE and an old Burgundy look HERE, with lots of pinks and reds!}

Pick One Positive Thought... #fakeituntilyoumakeit LINK UP

This week has been a whirlwind of different emotions and experiences and I'm sure your normal week involves something very similar...

For me, it was the serious worry about a family member's health.
An annoying eBay issue I had to deal with.
The feeling of gratitude that I've reached my 44th Birthday (that was on Friday).
A tedious (and unnecessary) work issue.
Oh, and what felt like 100 other thoughts floating about too.
My brain has been up, down and round the doors this week!

I'm sure your week has involved plenty of ups and downs too.
Some minor, maybe some not so minor.
No wonder we often feel frazzled.

It's good to pause, take stock and focus on one simple thing.

Focus on one positive thought to take into the week ahead.

Each Sunday night I like to take stock of my week and try and put any negativity behind me.
I feel like each week is a fresh start and thinking about something positive helps me to move forward with ease.

Last week my positive thought was to find the bright side of every problem and put things into perspective.
This week I'm going to do something kind every day, with no other motive than for my own enjoyment!

{Being kind is great for my our mental wellbeing as well as making other people happy}

I'd love for you to share a positive vibe you would like to take into your new week.
Whether it's something silly (and simple) like spending an extra 5 minutes doing nothing every day... or enjoying a brew in total silence.
Or, it might be something more serious... like starting that big project you've been putting off.

Whatever it is I'd love to hear all about it!

Last week the lovely Jodie wrote a post about her family connection and it reminded me of how lucky I am to have certain relationships in my life.
Love and support doesn't always have to come from family members.
Friends can be just a special.
Read her full post HERE... and check out some of the fashion choices back in the day!


Bad days, eBay Pitfalls and Charity Shop Consolation!

Magenta Wool Dress, Teal Coat, Fuschia Bag | Winter Colour | Fake Fabulous

Wouldn't it be nice if we could sail through life without a glitch?
No major problems.
Not even any minor niggles.
It would be great, wouldn't it?
I bet there would be no furrowed brows in the world!

However, back in reality, sometimes really bad things happen to us all.
It's inevitable.

What's also guaranteed are those silly and annoying little things that happen more regularly than we'd like them to.

Today was one of those annoying little niggle days.

In a nutshell...

I had decided to get back onto eBay after an age away from it.
I'm selling a few pieces that don't fit me too well, or I've only worn once or twice and don't see myself wearing again.
You know the type of things, don't you?
We all have them lurking.

Anyway, I am thrilled to sell a coat of mine I've only worn a couple of times.
It's a beautiful coat, only being sold because it's too tight on the shoulders for me.
{You can see the coat HERE.}
I'm sure any buyer will be thrilled with it.

Yay, I'm all excited!
My first eBay sale in a long while.

Then the inevitable happens...


Grey & Lemon | Dressing for Spring when it's Still Cold

Dove Grey Cashmere Culottes and Lemon Tunic Jumper | Fake Fabulous

I'm getting a little fed up with my Winter woollies and dark clothing BUT it's far too cold for cotton, linen and spring-like fabrics.
What can I do?


What's Wrong with Going Grey? #fakeituntilyoumakeit LINK UP

Are you ready to go grey | Should you go grey | Fake Fabulous over 40

Going grey... what's the fuss all about?

Why is it such a big deal?

How come getting your hair coloured a 'trendy' grey is super-cool but rocking a 'natural' grey is somehow distasteful?

And before you say...
"Hang on a minute Sam, going grey is cool.
There are plenty of people doing it ... and rocking it!"
I totally agree!
There are older bloggers, celebrities and models with grey hair.
There are also plenty of younger women going grey with sass.
BUT, for the most part (unless your hair has an all-over even icy tone) grey hair is frowned upon by society.

Grey hair is seen as somehow a little grubby.
Grey hair is associated with getting old and past it.
Letting your hair go grey means you've probably given up on looking nice.
You've just let yourself go.

Hmm... Why the hell should it!?

Why do we feel like we've got to apologise for (or justify) our greying hair?
Why do we make excuses for it...
"I'm allergic to the dye / my scalp is irritated / I'm fed up with the hasstle, mess, expense..... blah blah blah."
Who are we kidding on?
As if dying our hair is fooling anyone anyway.

Everyone knows that if you are over a certain age that head of glossy brown locks is anything but natural.
As for the 'natural' blondes out there... come on ladies we all know what's really going on.

So WHY do we do it??

Why do we put chemicals on our hair... and into our water?
Why do we find it so hard to be who we really are?

Well, it's not our fault!!
We have been conditioned (since we were little girls) into thinking that 'young' is best.
Culture/Media/society puts enormous pressure on women to stay young forever... and makes a FORTUNE from it!

And it's not fair!!

How come men get to be older, grey (and even balding) and end up looking distinguished, learned, dashing... and just as sexy (sometimes even more so) than their younger self!
Whereas we women just get old?
Where's the justice in that?

I'm thinking of letting my grey come through and plan on going with it for now and seeing how it looks.
Or (more importantly) how I feel about it.

My hairdresser assures me that my grey will just blend and lighten my natural colour.
I'm not so sure.
I still feel the pressure to colour it.
I'm not sure why.

I'm *disappointed with myself for even thinking like that! (*shakes head)

Please let me know your thoughts on this subject.
I'd love to hear your opinion.

I'd love to hear your grey hair stories.
Are you a die-hard dyer?
Are you embracing your natrual beauty?

OR... do you want to give up the bottle but can't face the consequences?

No more faffing about... Let's get linking!

Last week the link up went all weird, so I'm hoping this week works a little better.
Thank you for linking up last time, if you could manage it!
Apologies if you couldn't.

The lovely Jennie caught my eye last week, especially her fabulous 'do'.
Her grey colour looks like one of the on-trend toners (unless Jennie is super-lucky!) but it just goes to show how cool a trendy cut can look with a grey colour!
Check out her full post HERE.


Old Fashioned is the New Cool!

Tweed dress, vintage satin blouse, coloured tights & Chunky boots | Fake Fabulous

I don't know about you, but sometimes the annual springtime sales push that tells us...
"This is the latest must-have-fashion, don't miss out!" 

Leaves me a little chilled.

Of course, I love looking at the new season's latest trend pieces... especially the colour trends and combinations.
The 'new' stylings are always inspiring, and I love seeing how I can use similar pieces in my current wardrobe to create a modern look.

Tweed dress, vintage satin blouse, coloured tights & Chunky boots | Fake Fabulous

However, some days I crave something a little more unique.
Perhaps a better quality fit and finish?
Items that are more skillfully and thoughtfully made.
Pieces built to last.
For this nothing beats a bit of vintage.
Vintage pieces are perfect when you're looking for something different.

AND vintage (or vintage inspired) looks are easy to create for that one-of-a-kind feel.

Tweed dress, vintage satin blouse, coloured tights & Chunky boots | Fake Fabulous

All you need is a little confidence to pull them off.
AND, it doesn't even need to be genuine!
Fake confidence works just as well.

{If you lack the confidence to strut try these 5 steps to body confidence or find out How to overcome fear...HERE.}

This vintage blouse was just the ticket to star in this simple outfit.
Rich colours and different textures add interest.
Chunky boots and equally chunky earrings finished things off nicely!

Today's look is no more high-fashion, fashionable or on-trend than flea in the air.
BUT, somedays we just need to do our own thing don't we?
Regardless of what the world is telling us we should be doing.
A mini style rebellion!

BLOUSE: Vintage Jacques Vert
BOOTS: Vagabond
BAG: Old
POLO NECK: La Redoute

Tweed dress, vintage satin blouse, coloured tights & Chunky boots | Fake Fabulous

Do you sometimes tire of being sold something "New" that is just a re-worked version of something old!?
Please let me know by leaving me a comment.
I love reading them!


7 Fabulous Bloggers you Should be Following

I've been bowled over with inspiration after my plea to...
"Please share your favourite bloggers with me!" 
I decided to be utterly selfish and trim the list down to 7 bloggers that I loved from all of your (fabulous) suggestions.

Thank you so much to anyone who took the time to comment and email me.
I really appreciate your efforts.
I was overwhelmed with all of the suggestions.

Please check out my blogroll for some more awesome blogs with wonderfully inspiring ladies that I love following.

However, my daughter challenged me to list my top 5.
"Mum, if you had to pick ONLY 5 unmissable, must-read, can't-miss-a-moment blogs which ones would they be?"
Yikes... SO tricky!

I narrowed it down to these 5 amazing ladies...

Catherine @Not Dressed as Lamb

Monica @Senora Allnut

Lisa @ The Sequinist

Lisa @ Lisa Eldridge

Liyana@ Affordorable

I love these 5 blogs for different reasons.
Some of these bloggers are HUGE, making their living from blogging... others are relatively small BUT all of these ladies are truly unmissable for me.
When I only have 5 minutes to browse the blogging world I HAVE to see what these women have been up to.
They are always so uplifting and inspiring!

Do you agree with my top 5?

Now on to some 'new' blogs... that aren't new at all but they are new to me and my blogroll and definitely worth checking out.

To quote a lovely email I received... 
"She lives in California (and) is in her 50s.I think she is, or was, a style consultant. Very sweet gal, seems very likeable.  She has a casual lifestyle and a great knack for styling casual clothes." 

2. Bettye @ Fashionschlub

The lovely Bettye seems like a genuinely nice person with a very supportive and generous nature.
I love her attitude and style
Plus, she is a dog lover too!

3. Angie @ You Look Fab

Angie's blog is different from the usual.
She has an interactive forum where you can get plenty of support from likeminded ladies all around the globe.

4. Andriana @ Fake Leather

This blog is SO beautiful.
Andriana is a stunning Mexican lady living in Spain, her style and her photos are fabulous!
Chic and stylish.

4. Paola @ Finding Paola

Colour, rich colour and .... more vibrant COLOUR.
I LOVE the images and the attitude.
My kind of blog!

5. Tolly @ Tolly Dolly Posh

I've got jeans older than Tolly! (She's 17) but she has a mature and talented head on her (beautiful) shoulders.
Her blog is colourful and eclectic with an ethical angle.

6. Amina @ Tassel Fairy

I must admit that I let out a little squeal when Amina's page loaded.
If you love colour then check out her (uber) bright style!

7. Jessica @ Jessica Rose Williams

Monochrome and minimalistic... certainly not 'me' but absolutely beautiful.
Calming and inspiring!

I could go on and on.... (and on)... as there were SO many suggestions!

These ladies, however, made me linger on their blogs for longer than the others and I spent hours exploring their posts!

Is there anyone missing from this list?
Is your favourite not mentioned here (or on my blogroll)??

If so, please let me know so I can check them out!


It's a Little New Romantic Style

Pale Grey and Pink | Mixing Patterns and Colours | Fake Fabulous

Personal style is lots of fun and the best thing about being a style blogger (as opposed to a fashion blogger) is that you can share and wear whatever you want!

Some days are fashionable.
Some days are vintage.
Some days are minimal and some are more eclectic.

Today, I'm feeling a little 'New romantic' and mixing my patterns.
Some might call it eclectic.
Some might say eccentric!

I say it's fun to mix up your look.

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