{Fake Fabulous is just over 1 year old}
So, I don't feel like I am in any position to give blogging tips or advice.
Luckily, great blogging tips are everywhere.
From full time, self employed, bloggers that know exactly what they are talking about!
Technical tips, tricks and hints are also all over the internet.
These help you to get the most out of the techy side of blogging.
There are also plenty of fantastic photography tips, as well as ideas to get the most out of social media.
In fact, anything you want to know, someone, somewhere will have blogged about it.
That is why I love the internet!
{What did we do without it again?}
However, within these hints, tips and "How-to" posts some of the most important things can often be overlooked.
Such as...
How much time do you really need to spend blogging?
Well, there is no quick blogging 'fix'.
Or, secret to overnight success.
You don't just set up a blog, write a couple of posts (with a few snaps) then watch the freebies, followers, comments and money, roll in.
You have to work at it.
I mean really work.
So, this blog of yours needs to be more than your hobby.
It needs to be your passion.
I am a hobby blogger who happily spends all evening on my blog.
I am also a mum (with all the usual mum-jobs to do).
And, I have a dog to look after.
And, I have a day job!
How on earth do I find the time?
Well, we always manage to find time for the things we love, don't we?
How much time do I really spend on my blog?
Hmmmm...Researching/Planning Blog Posts
Confession time.
I am not much of a planner.
So, the thought of notebooks and schedules is not something that appeals to me.
{The first photo I used in this post is a stock photo, and would have ideally had a cup of tea and a biccie in place of that note pad and pen!}
I am a see-how-it develops kind of writer.
Even this post started off with a few random ramblings and the title was the last thing to be put in place.
My planning strategy takes no time at all.
Oh...hang on!
That is not entirely true.
I do have to plan (a little) for the PPP posts, and the fab40's. Both of which are outwith my comfort zone.
Creating outfits is something that just happens, on the day.
I occasionally plan an outfit the night before (if I have an early start) but it almost always gets amended before leaving the house.
My outfits tend to be thrown together, and I only analyse the reasoning behind them after the photographs have been sorted out.
Only then, can I figure out why wore what I wore and why it worked (or not).
I must admit that the PPP posts do involve a little more thought, as the clothes are not (usually) mine.
That is quite hard for me, but a great challenge!
In the case of the PPP items, I find that hanging the item I need to style in a prominent place makes me look at it regularly.
Eventually, inspiration comes.
You could try it with something unworn from your wardrobe.
Let me know if it works!
Are you a planner?
Confession time.
I am not much of a planner.
So, the thought of notebooks and schedules is not something that appeals to me.
{The first photo I used in this post is a stock photo, and would have ideally had a cup of tea and a biccie in place of that note pad and pen!}
I am a see-how-it develops kind of writer.
Even this post started off with a few random ramblings and the title was the last thing to be put in place.
My planning strategy takes no time at all.
Oh...hang on!
That is not entirely true.
I do have to plan (a little) for the PPP posts, and the fab40's. Both of which are outwith my comfort zone.
Creating outfits is something that just happens, on the day.
I occasionally plan an outfit the night before (if I have an early start) but it almost always gets amended before leaving the house.
My outfits tend to be thrown together, and I only analyse the reasoning behind them after the photographs have been sorted out.
Only then, can I figure out why wore what I wore and why it worked (or not).
I must admit that the PPP posts do involve a little more thought, as the clothes are not (usually) mine.
That is quite hard for me, but a great challenge!
In the case of the PPP items, I find that hanging the item I need to style in a prominent place makes me look at it regularly.
Eventually, inspiration comes.
You could try it with something unworn from your wardrobe.
Let me know if it works!
Are you a planner?
Photographing Outfits
Photographing outfits can be a challenge in Scotland, especially in Winter when it is dark almost all of the time.
In the Summer we are often dodging rain showers, or fighting against the wind.
Sometimes, it can be quite stressful to find the time, light and a break in the weather.
Occasionally, I just give up and write about something else.
Sorting out Photos
Sorting photos is the boring bit (for me, anyway).
My husband takes about 100- 200 photos per outfit.
{He should take more but there is still a part of his brain that thinks you can't waste the film!}
I use about 5 images per post (at the most).
Looking through them is boring.
I don't enjoy looking at myself.
I would much rather be the photographer, and the stylist.
But, as I am talking about my personal style (as opposed to fashion) that would be a bit pointless.
Editing photographs takes an AGE and I don't even use photoshop.
I just hit enhance (or delete) and crop a little.
I don't know how anyone finds the time (or has the inclination) to properly edit photographs, and remove all imperfections.
Sometimes I look at my photos and think..
I don't want to remove the 'real' me from my images, so I don't.
You see it how it is.
Warts and all.
{Okay, maybe not warts}
I just hit enhance (or delete) and crop a little.
I don't know how anyone finds the time (or has the inclination) to properly edit photographs, and remove all imperfections.
Sometimes I look at my photos and think..
"Gosh Sam, you look tired, old and a bit grey at the temples."Then I remember that I am all of these things!
I don't want to remove the 'real' me from my images, so I don't.
You see it how it is.
Warts and all.
{Okay, maybe not warts}
Writing a Post
This is the fun part!
I never plan, or write an overview.
I write directly into blogger, no first drafts or anything like that.
I am an impulsive writer and that is how I want to stay.
I usually just add my photos onto an empty page, then start talking, letting the words flow and the direction they want to.
My writing does it's own thing.
Sometimes a post will take an unexpected turn...
This post started talking about wearing summer clothes in Autumn, and ended up talking about how to introduce coloured tights into your wardrobe.
It wrote itself really.
Reading and Editing my Post
When I am finished writing, I have to read my finished post aloud.
It sounds daft, but it really helps me to feel the flow of the words, and make sure they sound like the real me.
Then I hit the 'Publish' button.
Sometimes, there is that horrible moment that I realise (post-publish) that I have made a stupid typO.
{Even after 3 or 4 re-reads}
I think that after I have read my post through a few times my brain starts to 'Autocorrect' for me.
How do you feel about the dreaded TypeO?
Reading, and Replying to, Comments
I love this part!
Reading comments is one of the best things about blogging.
I love hearing people's thoughts, and really enjoy it when someone might not agree with me.
I especially like it when someone has an experience of their own to share, or a different way of doing things.
I always keep an open mind, and try not to be offended if someone does not like what I am wearing, or disagrees with my point of view.
I try my best to reply to every comment left on my blog, because I believe that answering and replying to all comments is an essential part of blogging.
Yes, it takes ages BUT it shows you (my visitor) that I value your comments and opinions.
Do you like reading replies to comments?
Yes, it takes ages BUT it shows you (my visitor) that I value your comments and opinions.
Do you like reading replies to comments?
Improving the Blog
This can involve adding icons, links and widgets.
Tweaking my template, or experimenting with my colour scheme.
Reorganising, and reshuffling, can (and will) take hours.
Enjoyable, yes, but the housework tends to take a back seat.
{I can vacuum later}
I try and have a tweak (or at least a tidy up) every couple of months.
Enjoyable, yes, but the housework tends to take a back seat.
{I can vacuum later}
I try and have a tweak (or at least a tidy up) every couple of months.
Checking social media and responding to comments and emails
Social media is great fun, especially checking out other people's posts and photographs.
Instagram is my favourite.
I try to answer every comment personally, on an individual basis.
I am rubbish on Facebook.
If you comment there and I don't reply immediately, I can only apologise.
Posting on Instagram, however, is fun and interacting is even better!
{Be careful not to lose your entire life to scrolling}
I don't post to Instagram enough.
I should do more but I struggle to find time.
I often find myself on instagram at night, in bed, and can still be 'liking' and commenting long after the whole house is asleep.
I need to be better at Pinterest too.
I know it has huge potential, but I have not tapped into it.
Maybe that should be the next 'improvement' project?
What is your favourite social media platform?
{Be careful not to lose your entire life to scrolling}
I don't post to Instagram enough.
I should do more but I struggle to find time.
I often find myself on instagram at night, in bed, and can still be 'liking' and commenting long after the whole house is asleep.
I need to be better at Pinterest too.
I know it has huge potential, but I have not tapped into it.
Maybe that should be the next 'improvement' project?
What is your favourite social media platform?
Reading other blogs
This is where I lose hours and hours of my day!I love reading other blogs (see my blogroll for my favourites).
This takes a lot of time, but it is very enjoyable.
In fact, I could spend all day reading, and commenting on blogs.
Commenting is optional, but I would highly recommend it!
Interacting with other bloggers is one of the best things about blogging.
Even if it is just a simple... "Cool dress!" or "Great shade of lippy"... interacting is fun.
The only thing I would say about commenting and interacting is to be nice.
If you have something genuinely positive to say, let it flow!
If you really don't like a look, don't say anything, just move on to another post.
{Your favourite bloggers will come up with something new soon enough}
If someone asks for an opinion, give it but don't be nasty.
Being a bitch is never a good idea.
Oh, and finally...
Don't be pushy.
Leaving a link to your blog is great but leaving a,
"Great look...BTW, Follow my blog, check out my post, here is my blog link, Instagram link, facebook...look at it NOW!"..comment is annoying, and just rude.
Now comes the maths part.
{Well, arithmetic anyway}
Estimated hours (per week) devoted to blogging - based on 3 posts per week.
Research and Planning (I am including reading glossy magazines): 2 hours
Photographing outfits: 1 hour (it is a quick process, usually while the dinner is cooking!)
Editing/deleting photos: 3 hours (it seems to take forever to achieve very little)
Writing posts: 6 hours (sometimes more, if the post runs away with itself)
Reading and editing: 2 hours
Reading and replying to comments: 2 hours
Checking and responding to emails: 3 hours
Blog improvements: 1 hour (this usually happens once every couple of months in a big chunk)
Social media interactions: 5 hours (probably more, if you include my late-night Instagram scrolling!)
Reading other blogs: 5 hours
Total: 30+ hours (this comes as no surprise to me, it is like a full time job, and I am just a small blogger!)
30 hours.
Sounds a lot doesn't it?
But, for me, it is time well spent!
(If it is your blog, please leave me a link)
OR, Contact me.