For the imperfect Fashion lover.

Cropped Wide Leg Jeans, Navy, Cream and DMs * Over 40 Style

Cropped Wide Leg Jeans, Navy, Cream and DMs * Over 40 Style


Casual style... as per usual these days!

It's not very flattering... the shapes don't hide or disguise anything and cropped jeans shorten the legs.
It's not very AGE- appropriate for a 46 year old!

It's certainly NOT very professional... AT ALL.
AND it's not very fashionable.... No moulds were broken, no jaws dropped.

BUT.... with all of this said, it has one BIG thing going for it.


At the end of the day, that's all that matters.

If you're enjoying this post why not have a look at these alternatives...

Cropped Wide Leg Jeans, Navy, Cream and DMs * Over 40 Style


WOOL COAT: Vintage, charity shopped AND old!
JEANS: TopShop (old)
LEATHER BOOTS: Dr Martens... 2 or 3 years old
ECRU WOOL JUMPER: Secondhand from the gent's section
BAG: an old gift
CASHMERE HOODIE: Borrowed from my husband (permanently!)
NECKLACE: Vintage... very old.


Let's break it down.
Comfortable jeans and a fitted polo neck top make up the backbone of this look.
A long wool coat smartens this up a little.

I've added a pair of chunky boots (and a chunky necklace too) just to toughen things up.

A cosy cashmere hoodie stops the long wool coat feeling frumpy and a holographic cross-body bag finishes the look off nicely.

Cropped Wide Leg Jeans, Navy, Cream and DMs * Over 40 Style


This outfit is the easiest of looks to make yours!

Let's start with the basics....

Wide jeans (cropped or long, it doesn't matter) and neat fitting jumper (or t-shirt) in a lighter colour that you like.

{A close fit to your top half is key.}

The long coat could be swapped for anything you like.
Any colour of coat would work, even a long cardigan... whatever your climate allows.

Add a chunky necklace (or earrings if you prefer) and boots.

Add a cross-body bag and you're done!

Please say hello in the comments below OR Tag me your wide jeans look on Instagram @fakefabulous 

Cropped Wide Leg Jeans, Navy, Cream and DMs * Over 40 Style


My question is VERY random today.

Do you believe in the power of Crystals?
I'm curious about them and I'd love to know your thoughts?

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